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Guess if a character vector contains Date values, and convert them to date


date_guess_convert(data, error_tolerance, timeframe, orders)



A data frame


A number between 0 and 1 indicating the proportion of entries which cannot be identified as dates to be tolerated; if this proportion is exceeded, the original vector is returned, and a message is issued; defaults to 0.4 (40 percent).


A vector of 2 values of type date. If provided, date values that do not fall within this timeframe will be set to NA.


A list or character vector with the date codes for fine-grained parsing of dates. This allows for parsing of mixed dates. If a list is supplied, that list will be used for successive tries in parsing. When this is not provided (orders = NULL), the function will use the following order defined in the guesser:

  quarter_partial_dates = c("Y", "Ym", "Yq"),
  world_digit_months = c("Yq", "ymd", "ydm", "dmy", "mdy", "myd", "dym",
                         "Ymd", "Ydm", "dmY", "mdY", "mYd", "dYm"),
  world_named_months = c("dby", "dyb", "bdy", "byd", "ybd", "ydb",
                         "dbY", "dYb", "bdY", "bYd", "Ybd", "Ydb"),
  us_format = c("Omdy", "YOmd")


The input data frame where the character columns with date values have been converted into Date.