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The function iteratively removes constant data until none remain. It records details of the removed constant data as a data frame within the report object.


remove_constants(data, cutoff = 1)



The input <data.frame> or <linelist>


A <numeric> value specifying the cut-off for removing empty rows and columns. If provided, only rows and columns with a percentage of missing data greater than this cut-off will be removed. The default is 1.


The input dataset with empty rows, empty columns, and constant columns removed.


data <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "test_df.RDS", package = "cleanepi"))

# introduce an empty column
data$empty_column <- NA
# inject some missing values across some columns
data$study_id[3] = NA_character_
data$date.of.admission[3] = NA_character_
data$date.of.admission[4] = NA_character_
data$dateOfBirth[3] = NA_character_
data$dateOfBirth[4] = NA_character_
data$dateOfBirth[5] = NA_character_

# with cutoff = 1, line 3, 4, and 5 are not removed
test <- remove_constants(
  data = data,
  cutoff = 1

# drop rows or columns with a percentage of constant values
# equal to or more than 50%
test <- remove_constants(
  data = test,
  cutoff = 0.5

# drop rows or columns with a percentage of constant values
# equal to or more than 25%
test <- remove_constants(
  data = test,
  cutoff = 0.25

# drop rows or columns with a percentage of constant values
# equal to or more than 15%
test <- remove_constants(
  data = test,
  cutoff = 0.15

# check the report to see what has happened
report <- attr(test, "report")
#>   iteration empty_columns empty_rows constant_columns
#> 1         1            NA          3               NA