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All columns names will be reformatted to use the snakecase. When the conversion to snakecase does not work as expected, use the keep and/or rename arguments to reformat the column name properly.


standardize_column_names(data, keep = NULL, rename = NULL)



The input data frame or linelist.


A vector of column names to maintain as they are. When dealing with a linelist, this can be set to linelist_tags, to maintain the tagged column names. The Default is NULL.


A named vector of column names to be renamed. This should be in the form of c(new_name1 = "old_name1", new_name2 = "old_name2") for example.


A data frame or linelist with easy to work with column names.


# do not rename 'date.of.admission'
cleaned_data <- standardize_column_names(
  data = readRDS(system.file("extdata", "test_df.RDS",
                             package = "cleanepi")),
  keep = "date.of.admission"

# do not rename 'date.of.admission', but rename 'dateOfBirth' and 'sex' to
# 'DOB' and 'gender' respectively
cleaned_data <- standardize_column_names(
  data   = readRDS(system.file("extdata", "test_df.RDS",
                               package = "cleanepi")),
  keep   = "date.of.admission",
  rename = c(DOB = "dateOfBirth", gender = "sex")