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Calculate time span between dates


  target_column = NULL,
  end_date = Sys.Date(),
  span_unit = c("years", "months", "weeks", "days"),
  span_column_name = "span",
  span_remainder_unit = NULL



The input data frame or linelist


A string used to specify the name of the date column of interest. The values in this column should be of type 'Date' in ISO format ("2024-01-31").


An end date. It can be either a character that is the name of another column of type 'Date' from the input data or a vector of Dates or a single Date value. This should also be in the ISO format ("2024-01-31"). Default is today's date Sys.Date().


A string that specifies the units in which the time span between the dates will be returned. The possible units are: 'years', 'months', 'weeks' or 'days'.


A string for the name of the new column to be used to store the calculated time span in the input data frame.


A string for the unit in which the remainder of the time span should be calculated. May be one of "months", "weeks", and "days". Remainders requested in the same unit as the age will return values of 0. Default is NULL for decimal time span.


The input data frame with one or two additional columns:

  1. "span" or any other name chosen by the user. This will contain the calculated time span in the desired units.

  2. "_remainder": a column with the number of the remaining days or weeks or months depending on the value of the 'span_remainder_unit' parameter. Here '' represents the value of the 'span_column_name' argument.


# In the below example, this function is used to calculate patient's age from
# their dates of birth

# import the data, replace missing values with NA and convert date into ISO
# format
data <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "test_df.RDS", package = "cleanepi"))
data <- data %>%
  replace_missing_values(target_columns = "dateOfBirth",
                         na_strings     = "-99") %>%
  standardize_dates(target_columns  = "dateOfBirth",
                    error_tolerance = 0.0)

# calculate the age in 'years' and return the remainder in 'months'
age <- timespan(
  data                = data,
  target_column       = "dateOfBirth",
  end_date            = Sys.Date(),
  span_unit           = "years",
  span_column_name    = "age_in_years",
  span_remainder_unit = "months"