Calculate the parameters of a parametric probability distribution from reported values of percentiles, or median and range
Summary data of distributions, as provided by reports and meta-analyses, can be used to extract the parameters of a chosen distribution. Currently available distributions are: lognormal, gamma, Weibull and normal. Extracting from a lognormal returns the meanlog and sdlog parameters, extracting from the gamma and Weibull returns the shape and scale parameters, and extracting from the normal returns the mean and sd parameters.
- type
defining whether summary statistics based aroundpercentiles
(default) orrange
.- values
. Iftype = percentiles
:c(percentile_1, percentile_2)
; and iftype = range
:c(median, min, max)
.- distribution
specifying distribution to use. Default islnorm
; also takesgamma
.- percentiles
with two elements specifying the percentiles defined invalues
if usingtype = "percentiles"
. Percentiles should be specified between 0 and 1. For example 2.5th and 97.5th percentile is given asc(0.025, 0.975)
.- samples
specifying the sample size if usingtype = "range"
.- control
A named list containing options for the optimisation. List element
is anumeric
specifying the maximum number of times the parameter extraction will run optimisation before returning result early. This prevents overly long optimisation loops if optimisation is unstable and does not converge over multiple iterations. Default is 1000 iterations. List element$tolerance
is passed to.check_optim_conv()
for tolerance on parameter convergence over iterations of optimisation. Elements of in the control list are not passed tooptim()
A named numeric
vector with the parameter values of the
distribution. If the distribution = lnorm
then the parameters returned are
the meanlog and sdlog; if the distribution = gamma
or distribution = weibull
then the parameters returned are the shape and scale; if
distribution = norm
then the parameters returned are mean and sd.
For gamma
, lnorm
and weibull
, extract_param()
works only
for strictly positive values at the percentiles of a distribution or the
median and range of data (numerics supplied to the values
This means that negative values at the lower percentile or lower range
will not work with this function although they may present themselves in
epidemiological data (e.g. negative serial interval). For the norm
distribution negative values are allowed.
# set seed to control for stochasticity
# extract parameters of a lognormal distribution from the 75 percentiles
type = "percentiles",
values = c(6, 13),
distribution = "lnorm",
percentiles = c(0.125, 0.875)
#> Stochastic numerical optimisation used.
#> Rerun function multiple times to check global optimum is found
#> meanlog sdlog
#> 2.1783557 0.3360688
# extract parameters of a gamma distribution from median and range
type = "range",
values = c(10, 3, 18),
distribution = "gamma",
samples = 20
#> Stochastic numerical optimisation used.
#> Rerun function multiple times to check global optimum is found
#> shape scale
#> 5.342206 1.994304