Setup ABM data and basic parameters
Setup ABM data and basic parameters
movement_data = NULL,
demographic_data_MGN = TRUE,
divipola_code = NULL,
disease = "dengue",
incubation_period = 4,
infection_duration = 14,
init_infected_humans = 0.005,
init_infected_mosquitoes = 0.03
- demographic_data
sf object with the demographic data in the specified format. It's expected to be input by the user from the DANE´s MGN (Marco Geoestadístico Nacional).
- temperature_data
Data frame with the temperature historic. It's expected to be input from the historic data at IDEAM´s historic temperature
- movement_data
Data frame with the movement flow between territories. If not provided it's automatically calculated from the demographic data using distance and population.
- demographic_data_MGN
Boolean stating if the data is directly downloaded from MGN and needs filtering and cleaning.
- divipola_code
Divipola code of the municipality to be simulated
- disease
Character string for the disease name. Can be either "dengue", "zika" or "chikungunya".
- incubation_period
Incubation period of the disease.
- infection_duration
Infection duration of the disease.
- init_infected_humans
Percentage of initially infected humans.
- init_infected_mosquitoes
Percentage of initially infected mosquitoes.