Lucia Outbreaks

  1. Lucia is a Field Epidemiologist working at the Ministry of Health in Paraguay for almost 4 years. She is looking forward to learning how to Make rigorous conclusions from modelling and statistical inference outputs of Outbreak analytics R packages.

  2. She is part of the Outbreaks response team after graduating from the FETP (Field Epidemiology Training Program) from the global TEPHINET network. She doesn’t think she is an excellent R user but spends hours using and asking about packages like {tidyverse}, {ggplot2}, and {rmarkdown} for data cleaning, plotting and reporting.

  3. She wants to learn how to interpret the statistical and mathematical outputs generated by infectious disease modelling R packages. For her, this is key to inform stakeholders and the general public.

  4. Lucia is a single mother; the one evening a week she spends practicing R is the only out-of-work time she’s able to take away from family responsibilities.


  • Lucia needs more time than a webinar to learn how to use new outbreak analytics R packages.

  • She needs tutorials with refreshers of applied statistics and mathematics concepts.

  • She also needs clear guidelines for the interpretation of Outbreak analytics package outputs.

  • She also needs case-studies per disease type to identify how to translate her field experience intro practice.