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This is a utility function that allows comparing different model fits to a single dataset. It does this by executing a specified function on the data provided and over all models specified. The function then organises the output and calculates the AIC and BIC and ranks the output by model fit determined by the rank_by argument.


multi_fitdist(data, models, func, rank_by = c("aic", "bic", "loglik"))



A vector or data frame containing data that is required by the function specified in func argument.


A character string or vector of character strings specifying the names of the candidate models. The naming of the models should match those required by the function specified in the func argument. The vector of models should be named with the name of the model argument from that specified in func when the argument is not second. See details.


A function (closure) used to fit the models. Could be user-defined or specified from another package's namespace.


A character string, either "loglik", "aic" or "bic" to rank the order of the output data frame. Default is "aic".


A data frame containing the models and associated loglikelihood, aic, and bic.


The vector of models given in the models argument needs to be named with the name of the model argument supplied to func when it is not the second argument in that function. All elements of the vector need to be named, see example.

The data is assumed to always be the first argument of the function supplied in func, multi_fitdist() will not work correctly if this is not the case.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
  data = rgamma(n = 100, shape = 1, scale = 1),
  models = c("gamma", "weibull", "lnorm"),
  func = fitdistrplus::fitdist

# Where the model is not the second argument in the function specified,
# the models have to be named according to what they are called in the
# original function. argument of the function input. Here, `distr` is the
# name required in `fitdistrplus::fitdist()`
  data = rgamma(n = 100, shape = 1, scale = 1),
  models = c(distr = "gamma", distr = "weibull", distr = "lnorm"),
  func = fitdistrplus::fitdist
} # }