This function evaluates the validity of the tags of a safeframe
object by
checking that: i) tags are present ii) tags is a list
of character
See also
to check if tagged variables have
the right classes
## create a valid safeframe
x <- cars |>
mph = "speed",
distance = "dist"
#> // safeframe object
#> speed dist
#> 1 4 2
#> 2 4 10
#> 3 7 4
#> 4 7 22
#> 5 8 16
#> 6 9 10
#> 7 10 18
#> 8 10 26
#> 9 10 34
#> 10 11 17
#> 11 11 28
#> 12 12 14
#> 13 12 20
#> 14 12 24
#> 15 12 28
#> 16 13 26
#> 17 13 34
#> 18 13 34
#> 19 13 46
#> 20 14 26
#> 21 14 36
#> 22 14 60
#> 23 14 80
#> 24 15 20
#> 25 15 26
#> 26 15 54
#> 27 16 32
#> 28 16 40
#> 29 17 32
#> 30 17 40
#> 31 17 50
#> 32 18 42
#> 33 18 56
#> 34 18 76
#> 35 18 84
#> 36 19 36
#> 37 19 46
#> 38 19 68
#> 39 20 32
#> 40 20 48
#> 41 20 52
#> 42 20 56
#> 43 20 64
#> 44 22 66
#> 45 23 54
#> 46 24 70
#> 47 24 92
#> 48 24 93
#> 49 24 120
#> 50 25 85
#> tagged variables:
#> mph - speed
#> distance - dist
## the below issues an error as safeframe doesn't know any defaults
## note: tryCatch is only used to avoid a genuine error in the example
tryCatch(validate_safeframe(x), error = paste)
#> [1] "Error in validate_types(x, ...): Assertion on 'types' failed: Must have length >= 1, but has length 0.\n"
## validation requires you to specify the types directly
mph = c("integer", "numeric"),
distance = "numeric"
#> 'x' is a valid safeframe object