Function to quickly view the names and types of columns in the scenario
outcome data. Operates on the first replicate of each scenario run, and
assumes that the outcome data are data.frames.
- x
A scenario object with data prepared. Check for whether data has been prepared using
.- view_rows
Whether to return the first few rows of the first replicate outcome, using
Prints the scenario outcome data's column names and types to screen,
or the head()
of the first outcome replicate if view_rows = TRUE
# create a scenario
scenario_pandemic_flu <- scenario(
model_function = "finalsize::final_size",
parameters = make_parameters_finalsize_UK(),
replicates = 1
scenario_pandemic_flu <- run_scenario(scenario_pandemic_flu)
# for column names and types
#> demo_grp susc_grp susceptibility p_infected replicate
#> "character" "character" "numeric" "numeric" "integer"
# for data.frame head
sce_peek_outcomes(scenario_pandemic_flu, view_rows = FALSE)
#> demo_grp susc_grp susceptibility p_infected replicate
#> "character" "character" "numeric" "numeric" "integer"