Package website modes

Epiverse-TRACE packages use the {pkgdown} package to generate websites. {pkgdown} provides development modes (specified by a package’s _pkgdown.yml file) to generate different sites for the development and released versions of your package.

When the package is not yet on CRAN, we use the unreleased development mode. In this case, we use a visual element to highlight the package development version in red. An example is the website for {superspreading} and its associated _pkgdown configuration.

After the package is accepted on CRAN, we switch to auto mode, which provides two versions of the website: release and devel. Here, an example is the {cfr}package website, which is configured here. We use this configuration for the CRAN packages because we expect most users to install the package from CRAN and so we direct them to the CRAN site associated with the current release. The additional devel option here allows users to manually switch to it (by adding dev/ to the end of the website URL) if they installed the development version from GitHub. This version of the website will contain updates that are yet to be pushed to the CRAN version.

Publishing the release website along with the dev site after CRAN release

It may be the case that a package has been released on CRAN, the version is incremented to a development version, and then the development: mode was updated to auto. In this scenario {pkgdown} will not publish the release site, only the dev site.

To retroactively deploy the release site for the previous release see this {pkgdown} vignette, a brief overview is given in the following steps:

  1. Make a git branch from the last commit before incrementing to the development version. For this example, let’s call that branch website
  2. Ensure the development: mode in _pkgdown.yml is auto
  3. Push the website branch to GitHub
  4. Navigate to the pkgdown workflows page, for example here it is for epichains, then click on the “Run workflow” button and run the workflow from the website branch