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This vignette outlines the design decisions that have been taken during the development of the {climateR0} R package, and provides some of the reasoning, and possible pros and cons of each decision.

This document is primarily intended to be read by those interested in understanding the code within the package and for potential package contributors.


The {climateR0} package allows for the estimation of relative R0 from mean temperature data for climate sensitive pathogen/vector pairs. This package does not directly estimate relative R0 from temperature data but instead interpolates from the constant temperature - R0 relationships in Mordecai et al 2019.

This relative R0 can then be used to generate simple short-term case forecasts.

Input and Output

The input and output of the temperature_r0() function are both numeric vectors. The function takes a numeric vector of mean temperature in °C and outputs a numeric vector of relative R0 (scaled from 0 to 1) with equal length to the input vector.

Design decisions
