# Simulate final size with heterogeneity in social contact and infection susceptibility
# get UK polymod data
<- socialmixr::polymod
polymod <- socialmixr::contact_matrix(
polymod,countries = "United Kingdom",
age.limits = c(0, 5, 18, 40, 65),
symmetric = TRUE
# get the contact matrix and demography data
<- t(contact_data$matrix)
# scale the contact matrix so the largest eigenvalue is 1.0
# this is to ensure that the overall epidemic dynamics correctly reflect
# the assumed value of R0
<- contact_matrix / max(Re(eigen(contact_matrix)$values))
# Define population in each age group
<- contact_data$demography$population
demography_vector <- contact_data$demography$age.group
demography_vector#> [1] 3453670 9761554 18110368 19288101 9673058
demography_groups#> [1] "[0,5)" "[5,18)" "[18,40)" "[40,65)" "65+"
# divide each row of the contact matrix by the corresponding demography
# this reflects the assumption that each individual in group {j} make contacts
# at random with individuals in group {i}
<- contact_matrix_scaled / demography_vector
# Set and immunization effect
<- 0.25
# susceptibility matrix
<- tibble(
susceptibility age_group = demography_groups,
unimmunised = c(0.2, 0.5, 0.6, 0.9, 1.0)
) mutate(immunised = unimmunised * (1 - immunization_effect)) %>%
column_to_rownames(var = "age_group") %>%
susceptibility#> unimmunised immunised
#> [0,5) 0.2 0.150
#> [5,18) 0.5 0.375
#> [18,40) 0.6 0.450
#> [40,65) 0.9 0.675
#> 65+ 1.0 0.750
# demography-in-susceptibility matrix
<- tibble(
p_susceptibility age_group = demography_groups,
immunised = c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 0.9)
) mutate(unimmunised = 1 - immunised) %>%
column_to_rownames(var = "age_group") %>%
p_susceptibility#> immunised unimmunised
#> [0,5) 0.2 0.8
#> [5,18) 0.4 0.6
#> [18,40) 0.6 0.4
#> [40,65) 0.7 0.3
#> 65+ 0.9 0.1
# R0 of the disease
<- 2 # assumed for pandemic influenza
# Calculate the proportion of individuals infected in each age group
r0 = r0,
contact_matrix = contact_matrix_random,
demography_vector = demography_vector,
susceptibility = susceptibility,
p_susceptibility = p_susceptibility
)#> demo_grp susc_grp susceptibility p_infected
#> 1 [0,5) unimmunised 0.200 0.05131913
#> 2 [5,18) unimmunised 0.500 0.25099668
#> 3 [18,40) unimmunised 0.600 0.23551194
#> 4 [40,65) unimmunised 0.900 0.30101687
#> 5 65+ unimmunised 1.000 0.22067782
#> 6 [0,5) immunised 0.150 0.03874169
#> 7 [5,18) immunised 0.375 0.19487594
#> 8 [18,40) immunised 0.450 0.18242420
#> 9 [40,65) immunised 0.675 0.23554836
#> 10 65+ immunised 0.750 0.17055465
How to simulate the final size with heterogeneity in social contact and infection susceptibility?
This scenario assumes that, in the population, there is:
- Heterogeneous social contact
- Different susceptibility to the infection:
- Between individuals of different age groups from 20% (infants) to 100% (65+), and
- Within individuals of the same age group due the immunization effect of 25%.
- The immunization uptake rate is also different for each of the age groups: immunization increases with age from 20% (infants) to 90% (65+)
Steps in code
Steps in detail
- (pending)