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This function provides methods for estimating VE. It relies on the implementation of the Kaplan-Meier estimator and the Cox model for proportional hazards in the package {survival}. Currently, the default method of the function is HR (Hazard Ratio). Thus, the VE = 1 - HR, where HR is calculated using the Cox model. The proportional hazards hypothesis is tested using the Schoenfeld test, and the resultant p-value is provided in the results. Log-log plots are also generated using the Kaplan-Meier survival estimator to provide a visual test for the proportional hazards hypothesis. The functions uses the default name of columns outcome_status, time_to_event and vaccine_status, and the default status names v and u. However, custom names can be provided through the parameters outcome_status_col, time_to_event_col, vacc_status_col, vaccinated_status and unvaccinated_status. The return is a list with the call and the name of the method used for the estimation of VE (CI95%), the result of the performance test, and a suitable plot for the method. The object returned is compatible with the methods summary and plot.


  method = "HR",
  outcome_status_col = "outcome_status",
  time_to_event_col = "time_to_event",
  vacc_status_col = "vaccine_status",
  vaccinated_status = "v",
  unvaccinated_status = "u"



data.frame with cohort information (see example).


Start date of the study.


End date of the study.


Method to estimate VE. Default is HR.


Name of the column containing status of the event (must be a binary column). Default is outcome_status.


Name of the column containing the time-to-event. Default is time_to_event.


Name of the column containing the vaccination. Default is vaccine_status.


Status assigned to the vaccinated population. Default is v.


Status assigned to the unvaccinated population. Default is u.


Object of the class effectiveness: list with results from estimation of VE. call: call of {survival} method, ve: data.frame with VE(CI95%), test: result from test of performance, plot: plot of method, method: name of the method used for the estimation.


# Define start and end dates of the study
start_cohort <- as.Date("2044-01-01")
end_cohort <- as.Date("2044-12-31")

# Create `data.frame` with information of immunization
cohortdata <- make_immunization(
  data_set = cohortdata,
  outcome_date_col = "death_date",
  censoring_date_col = "death_other_causes",
  immunization_delay = 14,
  vacc_date_col = c("vaccine_date_2"),
  end_cohort = end_cohort,
  take_first = FALSE
#>         id sex age death_date death_other_causes vaccine_date_1 vaccine_date_2
#> 1 afade1b2   F  37       <NA>               <NA>           <NA>           <NA>
#> 2 556c8c76   M  19       <NA>               <NA>           <NA>           <NA>
#> 3 04edf85a   M  50       <NA>               <NA>           <NA>           <NA>
#> 4 7e51a18e   F   8       <NA>               <NA>           <NA>           <NA>
#> 5 c5a83f56   M  66       <NA>               <NA>           <NA>           <NA>
#> 6 7f675ec3   M  29       <NA>               <NA>     2044-04-09     2044-04-30
#>   vaccine_1 vaccine_2 immunization_date vaccine_status
#> 1      <NA>      <NA>              <NA>              u
#> 2      <NA>      <NA>              <NA>              u
#> 3      <NA>      <NA>              <NA>              u
#> 4      <NA>      <NA>              <NA>              u
#> 5      <NA>      <NA>              <NA>              u
#> 6    BRAND1    BRAND1        2044-05-14              v

# Match the data
matching <- match_cohort(
  data_set = cohortdata,
  outcome_date_col = "death_date",
  censoring_date_col = "death_other_causes",
  start_cohort = start_cohort,
  end_cohort = end_cohort,
  method = "static",
  exact = "sex",
  nearest = c(age = 1)

# Extract matched data
cohortdata_match <- get_dataset(matching)

# Calculate vaccine effectiveness
ve <- effectiveness(
  data_set = cohortdata_match,
  start_cohort = start_cohort,
  end_cohort = end_cohort

# View summary of VE
#> Vaccine Effectiveness computed as VE = 1 - HR:
#>       VE lower.95 upper.95
#> 1 0.8382   0.7337   0.9016
#> Schoenfeld test for Proportional Hazards hypothesis:
#> p-value = 0.0021

# Generate plot of method