Getting started

Our aim is to help change how analytics are used in the global infectious disease response, moving towards integrated, generalisable and scalable community-driven software.


A typical epidemiological pipeline presented as a flowchart. Each box corresponds to a specific task (e.g., "reconstruct transmission chains", or "estimate severity"). The tasks are split into three categories based on the position in the data pipeline: early tasks, middle tasks and late tasks.

Epiverse-TRACE packages

These are built on methods and analysis that have informed epidemic response to infections including cholera, COVID, dengue, diphtheria, Ebola, influenza, and Zika.

Early tasks

Middle tasks

Late tasks

readepi logo

Tools for reading data

ColOpenData logo

Open data for Colombia

cleanepi logo

Tools for cleaning data

simulist logo

Simulate outbreak data

linelist logo

Tagging and validating individual data

epiparameter logo

Tools for epidemiological parameters

sivirep logo

Automated report for SIVIGILA data

episoap logo

Pipelines for common tasks

cfr logo

Severity estimation

serofoi logo

Estimate force of infection from serology

epiCo logo

Tools for vector-borne infections

iraca logo

Simulate vector-borne outbreaks

epichains logo

Simulation and analysis of transmission chains

superspreading logo

Analysis of transmission variation

finalsize logo

Calculate epidemic final size

epidemics logo

Simulate epidemic dynamics

vaccineff logo

Analyze vaccine efficacy