How to plot age-stratified incidence data by month from date of birth?


December 3, 2024


  • The {cleanepi} package to calculate age in years from date of birth.
  • The {linelist} package to keep tagged and validated columns in a line list data set.
  • The {incidence2} package to generate aggregated incidence data by months.

Steps in code

# Load packages

# Read data
dat <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "test_df.RDS", package = "cleanepi")) %>% 

# View raw data
#> # A tibble: 10 × 8
#>    study_id  event_name country_code country_name date.of.admission dateOfBirth
#>    <chr>     <chr>             <int> <chr>        <chr>             <chr>      
#>  1 PS001P2   day 0                 2 Gambia       01/12/2020        06/01/1972 
#>  2 PS002P2   day 0                 2 Gambia       28/01/2021        02/20/1952 
#>  3 PS004P2-1 day 0                 2 Gambia       15/02/2021        06/15/1961 
#>  4 PS003P2   day 0                 2 Gambia       11/02/2021        11/11/1947 
#>  5 P0005P2   day 0                 2 Gambia       17/02/2021        09/26/2000 
#>  6 PS006P2   day 0                 2 Gambia       17/02/2021        -99        
#>  7 PB500P2   day 0                 2 Gambia       28/02/2021        11/03/1989 
#>  8 PS008P2   day 0                 2 Gambia       22/02/2021        10/05/1976 
#>  9 PS010P2   day 0                 2 Gambia       02/03/2021        09/23/1991 
#> 10 PS011P2   day 0                 2 Gambia       05/03/2021        02/08/1991 
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: date_first_pcr_positive_test <chr>, sex <int>

# 1 Clean and standardize raw data
dat_clean <- dat %>% 
  # Standardize column names and dates
  cleanepi::standardize_column_names() %>% 
    target_columns = c("date_of_birth","date_first_pcr_positive_test")
  ) %>% 
  # Replace from strings to a valid missing entry
    target_columns = "sex",
    na_strings = "-99") %>% 
  # Calculate the age in 'years' and return the remainder in 'months'
    target_column = "date_of_birth",
    end_date = Sys.Date(),
    span_unit = "years",
    span_column_name = "age_in_years",
    span_remainder_unit = "months"
  ) %>% 
  # Select key variables
  ) %>% 
  # Categorize the age numerical variable
    age_category = base::cut(
      x = age_in_years,
      breaks = c(0,20,35,60,100), # replace with max value if known
      include.lowest = TRUE,
      right = FALSE
  ) %>% 
    sex = as.factor(sex)

# View cleaned data
#> # A tibble: 10 × 6
#>    study_id sex   date_first_pcr_posit…¹ date_of_birth age_in_years age_category
#>    <chr>    <fct> <date>                 <date>               <dbl> <fct>       
#>  1 PS001P2  1     2020-12-01             1972-01-06              52 [35,60)     
#>  2 PS002P2  1     2021-01-01             1952-02-20              72 [60,100]    
#>  3 PS004P2… <NA>  2021-02-11             1961-06-15              63 [60,100]    
#>  4 PS003P2  1     2021-02-01             1947-11-11              77 [60,100]    
#>  5 P0005P2  2     2021-02-16             2000-09-26              24 [20,35)     
#>  6 PS006P2  2     2021-05-02             1899-09-22             125 <NA>        
#>  7 PB500P2  1     2021-02-19             1989-03-11              35 [35,60)     
#>  8 PS008P2  2     2021-09-20             1976-05-10              48 [35,60)     
#>  9 PS010P2  1     2021-02-26             1991-09-23              33 [20,35)     
#> 10 PS011P2  2     2021-03-03             1991-08-02              33 [20,35)     
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​date_first_pcr_positive_test

# 2 Tag and validate linelist
dat_linelist <- dat_clean %>% 
  # Tag variables
    id = "study_id",
    date_reporting = "date_first_pcr_positive_test",
    gender = "sex",
    age = "age_in_years",
    age_group = "age_category", allow_extra = TRUE
  ) %>% 
  # Validate linelist
    allow_extra = TRUE,
    ref_types = linelist::tags_types(
      age_group = c("factor"),
      allow_extra = TRUE
  ) %>% 
  # Get tag and validated columns

# View tagged data (column names change)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 5
#>    id        date_reporting gender   age age_group
#>    <chr>     <date>         <fct>  <dbl> <fct>    
#>  1 PS001P2   2020-12-01     1         52 [35,60)  
#>  2 PS002P2   2021-01-01     1         72 [60,100] 
#>  3 PS004P2-1 2021-02-11     <NA>      63 [60,100] 
#>  4 PS003P2   2021-02-01     1         77 [60,100] 
#>  5 P0005P2   2021-02-16     2         24 [20,35)  
#>  6 PS006P2   2021-05-02     2        125 <NA>     
#>  7 PB500P2   2021-02-19     1         35 [35,60)  
#>  8 PS008P2   2021-09-20     2         48 [35,60)  
#>  9 PS010P2   2021-02-26     1         33 [20,35)  
#> 10 PS011P2   2021-03-03     2         33 [20,35)

# 3 Aggregate linelist to incidence
dat_incidence <- dat_linelist %>%  
  # Transform from individual-level to time-aggregate
    date_index = "date_reporting", #"date_first_pcr_positive_test",
    groups = "age_group", #"age_category", # change to sex, ...
    interval = "month", # change to days, weeks, ...
    # complete_dates = TRUE # relevant to downstream analysis [time-series data]

# View incidence data
#> # incidence:  8 x 4
#> # count vars: date_reporting
#> # groups:     age_group
#>   date_index age_group count_variable count
#>   <yrmon>    <fct>     <chr>          <int>
#> 1 2020-Dec   [35,60)   date_reporting     1
#> 2 2021-Jan   [60,100]  date_reporting     1
#> 3 2021-Feb   [20,35)   date_reporting     2
#> 4 2021-Feb   [35,60)   date_reporting     1
#> 5 2021-Feb   [60,100]  date_reporting     2
#> 6 2021-Mar   [20,35)   date_reporting     1
#> 7 2021-May   <NA>      date_reporting     1
#> 8 2021-Sep   [35,60)   date_reporting     1

# Plot incidence data
dat_incidence %>% 
    fill = "age_group", # "age_category",
    show_cases = TRUE, angle = 45, n_breaks = 5 # alternative options (vignette)

Steps in detail

  • pending
  • An alternative to base::cut() can also be Hmisc::cut2(x = age_in_years,cuts = c(20,35,60)).

Please note that the code assumes the necessary packages are already installed. If they are not, you can install them using first the install.packages("pak") function and then the pak::pak() function for both packages in CRAN or GitHub before loading them with library().

Additionally, make sure to adjust the serial interval distribution parameters according to the specific outbreak you are analyzing.