Generate probabilities of seropositivity by age based user's choice of model.
This function generates seropositivity probabilities based on either a time-varying FOI model, an age-varying FOI model, or an age-and-time-varying FOI model. In all cases, it is possible to optionally include seroreversion.
- model
A string specifying the model type which can be one of 'age', 'time', 'age-time'.
- foi
A dataframe containing the force of infection (FOI) values. For time-varying models the columns should be 'year', 'foi'. For age-varying models the columns should be 'age', 'foi'. For age-and-time-varying models the columns should be 'age', 'time', 'foi'.
- seroreversion_rate
A non-negative value determining the rate of seroreversion (per year). Default is 0.