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  • Joshua W. Lambert. Author, maintainer, copyright holder.

  • Adam Kucharski. Author, copyright holder.

  • Carmen Tamayo. Author.

  • Hugo Gruson. Contributor, reviewer.

  • Sebastian Funk. Contributor.

  • Pratik Gupte. Reviewer.


Source: inst/CITATION

Lambert J, Kucharski A, Tamayo C (2024). epiparameter: Library of Epidemiological Parameters with Helper Functions and Classes. doi:10.5281/zenodo.11110881,

  title = {epiparameter: Library of Epidemiological Parameters with Helper Functions and Classes},
  author = {Joshua W. Lambert and Adam Kucharski and Carmen Tamayo},
  year = {2024},
  doi = {10.5281/zenodo.11110881},
  url = {},