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Convert from an R object to an <epiparameter> object. If conversion is not possible the function will error.


as_epiparameter(x, ...)



an object used to select a method.


dots Extra arguments to be passed to the method.


An <epiparameter> object or list of <epiparameter> objects.


To create the full citation the information from the article table from the epireview package of the corresponding entry will need to be passed to function via the ... argument. The argument should be called article, as it will be matched by name by $.

To specify a probability distribution pass a character string to the function via the ... argument. The argument should be called prob_distribution. For example, to specify a gamma distribution: as_epiparameter(x, prob_distribution = "gamma").

Warning: distributions specified via the prob_dist argument will overwrite the probability distribution specified in the x argument. For example, if the probability distribution is given in an epireview entry and the prob_dist argument is specified then the function may error or return an unparameterised <epiparameter> if the parameterisation becomes incompatible.

Valid probability distributions are: "gamma", "lnorm", "weibull", "nbinom", "geom", "pois", "norm", "exp".