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simulist (development version)

simulist 0.3.0

The third release of the simulist R package contains a range of new features, enhancements, documentation and unit tests.

The headline changes to the package are:

  • The simulation is now parameterised with an infectious period rather than a contact interval.
  • Line list data now has date_outcome and outcome columns which can be parameterised with onset_to_death and onset_to_recovery.
  • Case fatality risk can vary through time with a customisable user-defined function.
  • Two new vignettes on time-varying case fatality risk, and wrangling line list and contact tracing data.

New features


  • onset_to_hosp and onset_to_death arguments can now take NA as input and will return a column of NAs in the line list columns date_admission and date_outcome (#98).

  • An onset_to_recovery argument has been added to the simulation functions, sim_linelist() and sim_outbreak(), and so the recovery date can be explicitly given in the line list data (#99).

  • The line list simulation can now use a time-varying case fatality risk. The create_config() function now returns a $time_varying_death_risk list element, which is NULL by default but can take an R function to enable the fatality risk of cases to change over the epidemic (#101).

  • A new vignette, time-varying-cfr.Rmd, has been added to the package to describe how to use the time-varying case fatality risk functionality and describe a few different time-varying functions that can be used (#101).

  • A new vignette, wrangling-linelist.Rmd, has been added to go over some of the common post-processing steps that might be required after simulating line list or contact tracing data. This vignette is short and currently only contains a single post-processing example, more examples will be added over time (#104).

  • The README now has a section on related projects to provide an overview of packages that simulate line list data, or are related to simulist. This section contains a disclosure widget containing a feature table providing a high-level description of the features and development status of each related package (#110).

  • A Key features section and Complimentary R packages section has been added to the README (#134).

  • Updated package architecture diagram in the design-principles.Rmd vignette (#113).


  • The .add_deaths() function has been replaced by the .add_outcome() function which can simulate death and recovery times (#99).

  • .cross_check_sim_input() function has been added to the package to ensure user input is coherent across arguments (#98).

  • .anonymise() function has been added to convert individual’s names into alphanumeric codes to anonymise individuals in line list and contact tracing data (#106).

Breaking changes

  • The simulation functions are now parameterised with an infectious period (infect_period argument) instead of a contact interval (contact_interval argument). This moves away from parameterising the simulation with the time delay between a person becoming infected and having contact with a susceptible individual, and instead uses an infectious period distribution within which contacts are uniformly distributed in time (#96).

  • The simulation functions can now set a maximum as well as a minimum outbreak size. The min_outbreak_size argument in the exported sim_*() functions has been renamed outbreak_size and takes a numeric vector of two elements, the minimum and maximum outbreak size. The maximum outbreak size is a soft limit due to the stochastic nature of the branching process model, so epidemiological data returned can contain more cases and/or contacts that the maximum in outbreak_size but in these case a warning is returned explaining to the user how many cases/contacts are being returned (#93).

  • The add_ct argument in sim_linelist() and sim_outbreak() has been removed. The functionality is now equivalent to add_ct = TRUE in the previous simulist version. The add_ct argument was removed to move the package to always returning <data.frame>s with the same number of columns, for consistency and predictability (#104).

  • The add_names argument in the simulation functions has been renamed to anonymise. The new argument controls whether names are given to each case (anonymise = FALSE, default behaviour) or whether fixed length hexadecimal codes are given to each case (anonymise = TRUE), this ensures the returned <data.frame> has the same number of columns (#106).

Bug fixes

  • .sim_network_bp() now indexes the time vector correctly. Previously a vector indexing bug meant the epidemic would not progress through time (#95).

Deprecated and defunct

  • None

simulist 0.2.0

Second release of simulist, updates the core simulation model and, as a result, the arguments for sim_*() functions for simulating line list data and/or contact table data exported from simulist are updated. The internal package architecture is also refactored.

New features


  • create_config() now returns a new element in the list: $network. By default create_config() returns network = "adjusted", which assumes the simulation is a random network and samples contacts with an excess degree distribution (see Details in ?create_config()). The network effect can be changed to "unadjusted" to switch off the network effect. $network is checked internally (in .sim_network_bp()) and will error if not valid (#60).
  • Package architecture diagram is added to design-principles.Rmd (#66).
  • lintr GitHub action workflow (lint-changed-files.yaml) is added to the suite of continuous integration workflows (#68).
  • Transmission chain visualisation is added to vis-linelist.Rmd (#70).


  • .sim_network_bp() is added as an internal function and replaces bpmodels::chain_sim() as the core simulation model producing contacted and infected individuals. {bpmodels} is removed as a dependency as a result (#60).
  • .sample_names() is added as an internal function to utilise randomNames::randomNames() to produce more unique names than randomNames(..., sample.with.replacement = FALSE).
  • Refactor of internal simulation architecture replaced .sim_bp_linelist(), .sim_clinical_linelist() and .sim_contacts_tbl() with .sim_internal() (#66).
  • The sim_utils.R file was renamed to utils.R (#66) and the empty create_linelist.R file was removed (#72).
  • .add_date_contact() argument outbreak_start_date is now NULL by default instead of missing (#82).
  • Regression tests of sim_*() functions now use snapshot testing for more detailed data checking (#65).
  • Internal testing data (testdata) files have been updated, as has the testdata/ with instructions (#64).

Breaking changes

  • R and serial_interval arguments have been removed from sim_linelist(), sim_contacts() and sim_outbreak() functions and instead contact_distribution, contact_interval and prob_infect are used to parameterise the simulation. Documentation, both functions and vignettes, have been updated with these changes (#60).
  • The contact_distribution argument in sim_*() functions requires a density function if supplied as an anonymous function. Information is added to simulist.Rmd to explain this.
  • The line list output from sim_linelist() now uses column header sex instead of gender. The contacts table output from sim_contacts() and sim_outbreak() now uses column headers age and sex instead of cnt_age and cnt_gender (#60, #79).
  • contact_distribution is redefined and redocumented as the distribution of contacts per individual, rather than the number of contacts that do not get infected as it was in v0.1.0.
  • row.names for <data.frame>s output by sim_linelist(), sim_contacts() and sim_outbreak() are now sequential from 1:nrows (#63).

Bug fixes

Deprecated and defunct

  • None

simulist 0.1.0

Initial release of simulist, an R package containing tools to simulate epidemiological data such as line lists and contact tables.

New features

  • A set of simulation functions to simulate epidemiological data. These simulation functions contain arguments that allow for the simulation to be flexibly parameterised to be generated under specified epidemiological or demographic conditions.
  • Four general vignettes
    • Get Started vignette (simulist.Rmd)
    • Age-stratified hospitalisation and death risks vignette (age-strat-risks.Rmd)
    • Age structured population vignette (age-struct-pop.Rmd)
    • Visualising simulated data (vis-linelist.Rmd)
  • One developer focused vignette
    • Design Principles for {simulist} (design-principles.Rmd)
  • Unit tests (100% code coverage) and documentation files.
  • Continuous integration workflows for R package checks, rendering the, calculating test coverage, deploying the pkgdown website, updating the citation file, and checking new package or system dependencies.

Breaking changes

  • None

Bug fixes

  • None

Deprecated and defunct

  • None