Aggregate and visualize
Last updated on 2025-03-04 | Edit this page
- How to aggregate case data?
- How to visualize aggregated data?
- What is distribution of cases in time, place, gender, age?
- Simulate synthetic outbreak data
- Convert linelist data to incidence
- Create epidemic curves from incidence data
In an analytic pipeline, exploratory data analysis (EDA) is an important step before formal modelling. EDA helps determine relationships between variables and summarize their main characteristics often by means of data visualization.
This episode focuses on EDA of outbreak data using a few essential R packages. A key aspect of EDA in epidemic analysis is identifying the relationship between time and the observed epidemic outcome, such as confirmed cases, hospitalizations, deaths, and recoveries across different locations and demographic factors, including gender, age, and more.
Let’s start by loading the package incidence2 to
aggregate linelist data by groups and visualize epicurves. We’ll use
simulist to simulate outbreak data, and
for complementary figure formatting. We’ll use
the pipe %>%
to connect some of their functions,
including others from the packages dplyr and
ggplot2, so let’s also call to the tidyverse package:
# Load packages
library(incidence2) # For aggregating and visualising
library(simulist) # For simulating linelist data
library(tracetheme) # For formatting figures
library(tidyverse) # For {dplyr} and {ggplot2} functions and the pipe %>%
The double-colon
The double-colon ::
in R let you call a specific
function from a package without loading the entire package into the
current environment.
For example, dplyr::filter(data, condition)
from the dplyr package. This help
us remember package functions and avoid namespace conflicts.
Synthetic outbreak data
To illustrate the process of conducting EDA on outbreak data, we will generate a line list for a hypothetical disease outbreak utilizing the simulist package. simulist generates simulation data for outbreak according to a given configuration. Its minimal configuration can generate a linelist as shown in the below code chunk
# Simulate linelist data for an outbreak with size between 1000 and 1500
set.seed(1) # Set seed for reproducibility
sim_data <- simulist::sim_linelist(outbreak_size = c(1000, 1500)) %>%
dplyr::as_tibble() # for a simple data frame output
Warning: Number of cases exceeds maximum outbreak size.
Returning data early with 1546 cases and 3059 total contacts (including cases).
# Display the simulated dataset
# A tibble: 1,546 × 12
id case_name case_type sex age date_onset date_admission outcome
<int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <date> <date> <chr>
1 1 Kaylin Alberts probable f 70 2023-01-01 2023-01-06 recove…
2 3 Guirnalda Azuc… probable f 25 2023-01-11 2023-01-18 died
3 6 Kevin Lee suspected m 80 2023-01-18 NA recove…
4 8 Ashraf al-Raha… probable m 8 2023-01-23 2023-02-01 recove…
5 11 Jacob Miller probable m 69 2023-01-30 NA recove…
6 14 Rocky Bustillos suspected m 40 2023-01-24 2023-01-29 recove…
7 15 Jim Soriano confirmed m 37 2023-01-31 NA recove…
8 16 Abdul Wadood e… suspected m 67 2023-01-30 NA recove…
9 20 Kristy Neish probable f 57 2023-01-27 NA recove…
10 21 Azeema al-Shab… confirmed f 70 2023-02-09 2023-02-13 died
# ℹ 1,536 more rows
# ℹ 4 more variables: date_outcome <date>, date_first_contact <date>,
# date_last_contact <date>, ct_value <dbl>
This linelist dataset offers individual-level information about the outbreak.
This is the default configuration of simulist, if you want to know more about its functionalities check the documentation website.
You can also find data sets from real emergencies from the past at
the {outbreaks}
Downstream analysis involves working with aggregated data rather than
individual cases. This requires grouping linelist data in the form of
incidence data. The incidence2
package offers an essential function, called
, for grouping case data, usually
centered around dated events and/or other factors. The code chunk
provided below demonstrates the creation of an
class object from the simulated Ebola
data based on the date of onset.
# Create an incidence object by aggregating case data based on the date of onset
dialy_incidence <- incidence2::incidence(
date_index = "date_onset",
interval = "day" # Aggregate by daily intervals
# View the incidence data
# incidence: 232 x 3
# count vars: date_onset
date_index count_variable count
<date> <chr> <int>
1 2023-01-01 date_onset 1
2 2023-01-11 date_onset 1
3 2023-01-18 date_onset 1
4 2023-01-23 date_onset 1
5 2023-01-24 date_onset 1
6 2023-01-27 date_onset 2
7 2023-01-29 date_onset 1
8 2023-01-30 date_onset 2
9 2023-01-31 date_onset 2
10 2023-02-01 date_onset 1
# ℹ 222 more rows
Furthermore, with the incidence2 package, you can specify the desired interval and categorize cases by one or more factors. Below is a code snippet demonstrating weekly cases grouped by the date of onset and gender.
# Group incidence data by week, accounting for sex and case type
weekly_incidence <- incidence2::incidence(
date_index = "date_onset",
interval = "week", # Aggregate by weekly intervals
groups = c("sex", "case_type") # Group by sex and case type
# View the incidence data
# incidence: 202 x 5
# count vars: date_onset
# groups: sex, case_type
date_index sex case_type count_variable count
<isowk> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
1 2022-W52 f probable date_onset 1
2 2023-W02 f probable date_onset 1
3 2023-W03 m suspected date_onset 1
4 2023-W04 f probable date_onset 1
5 2023-W04 m confirmed date_onset 2
6 2023-W04 m probable date_onset 1
7 2023-W04 m suspected date_onset 1
8 2023-W05 f confirmed date_onset 4
9 2023-W05 f probable date_onset 2
10 2023-W05 f suspected date_onset 2
# ℹ 192 more rows
Dates Completion
When cases are grouped by different factors, it’s possible that these
groups may have different date ranges in the resulting
object. The incidence2
provides a function called complete_dates()
to ensure that
an incidence object has the same range of dates for each group. By
default, missing counts will be filled with 0.
This functionality is also available as an argument within
complete_dates = TRUE
# Create an incidence object grouped by sex, aggregating daily
dialy_incidence_2 <- incidence2::incidence(
date_index = "date_onset",
groups = "sex",
interval = "day", # Aggregate by daily intervals
complete_dates = TRUE # Complete missing dates in the incidence object
Challenge 1: Can you do it?
Task: Aggregate
linelist based on admission date and case outcome in biweekly intervals, and save the results in an object calledbiweekly_incidence
The incidence2
object can be visualized using the
function from the base R package. The resulting
graph is referred to as an epidemic curve, or epi-curve for short. The
following code snippets generate epi-curves for the
and weekly_incidence
objects mentioned above.
# Plot daily incidence data
base::plot(dialy_incidence) +
x = "Time (in days)", # x-axis label
y = "Dialy cases" # y-axis label
) +
tracetheme::theme_trace() # Apply the custom trace theme

# Plot weekly incidence data
base::plot(weekly_incidence) +
x = "Time (in weeks)", # x-axis label
y = "weekly cases" # y-axis label
) +
tracetheme::theme_trace() # Apply the custom trace theme

easy aesthetics
We invite you to skim the incidence2 package “Get
started” vignette. Find how you can use arguments within
to provide aesthetics to your incidence2 class
base::plot(weekly_incidence, fill = "sex")

Some of them include show_cases = TRUE
angle = 45
, and n_breaks = 5
. Give them a
Challenge 2: Can you do it?
Task: Visualize
Curve of cumulative cases
The cumulative number of cases can be calculated using the
function from an incidence2
and visualized, as in the example below.
# Calculate cumulative incidence
cum_df <- incidence2::cumulate(dialy_incidence)
# Plot cumulative incidence data using ggplot2
base::plot(cum_df) +
x = "Time (in days)", # x-axis label
y = "weekly cases" # y-axis label
) +
tracetheme::theme_trace() # Apply the custom trace theme

Note that this function preserves grouping, i.e., if the
object contains groups, it will accumulate the
cases accordingly.
Challenge 3: Can you do it?
Task: Visulaize the cumulatie cases from
Peak estimation
One can estimate the peak –the time with the highest number of
recorded cases– using the estimate_peak()
function from the
{incidence2} package. This function employs a bootstrapping method to
determine the peak time.
# Estimate the peak of the daily incidence data
peak <- incidence2::estimate_peak(
n = 100, # Number of simulations for the peak estimation
alpha = 0.05, # Significance level for the confidence interval
first_only = TRUE, # Return only the first peak found
progress = FALSE # Disable progress messages
# Display the estimated peak
# A tibble: 1 × 7
count_variable observed_peak observed_count bootstrap_peaks lower_ci
<chr> <date> <int> <list> <date>
1 date_onset 2023-05-01 22 <df [100 × 1]> 2023-03-26
# ℹ 2 more variables: median <date>, upper_ci <date>
This example demonstrates how to estimate the peak time using the
function at \(95%\) confidence interval and using 100
bootstrap samples.
Challenge 4: Can you do it?
Task: Estimate the peak time from
Visualization with ggplot2
incidence2 produces basic plots for epicurves, but additional work is required to create well-annotated graphs. However, using the ggplot2 package, you can generate more sophisticated and better-annotated epicurves. ggplot2 is a comprehensive package with many functionalities. However, we will focus on three key elements for producing epicurves: histogram plots, scaling date axes and their labels, and general plot theme annotation. The example below demonstrates how to configure these three elements for a simple incidence2 object.
# Define date breaks for the x-axis
breaks <- seq.Date(
from = min(as.Date(dialy_incidence$date_index, na.rm = TRUE)),
to = max(as.Date(dialy_incidence$date_index, na.rm = TRUE)),
by = 20 # every 20 days
# Create the plot
ggplot2::ggplot(data = dialy_incidence) +
mapping = aes(
x = as.Date(date_index),
y = count
stat = "identity",
color = "blue", # bar border color
fill = "lightblue", # bar fill color
width = 1 # bar width
) +
theme_minimal() + # apply a minimal theme for clean visuals
plot.title = element_text(face = "bold",
hjust = 0.5), # center and bold title
plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5), # center subtitle
plot.caption = element_text(face = "italic",
hjust = 0), # italicized caption
axis.title = element_text(face = "bold"), # bold axis titles
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 0.5) # rotated x-axis text
) +
x = "Date", # x-axis label
y = "Number of cases", # y-axis label
title = "Daily Outbreak Cases", # plot title
subtitle = "Epidemiological Data for the Outbreak", # plot subtitle
caption = "Data Source: Simulated Data" # plot caption
) +
breaks = breaks, # set custom breaks on the x-axis
labels = scales::label_date_short() # shortened date labels
Warning in geom_histogram(mapping = aes(x = as.Date(date_index), y = count), :
Ignoring unknown parameters: `binwidth`, `bins`, and `pad`

Use the group
option in the mapping function to
visualize an epicurve with different groups. If there is more than one
grouping factor, use the facet_wrap()
option, as
demonstrated in the example below:
# Plot daily incidence by sex with facets
ggplot2::ggplot(data = dialy_incidence_2) +
mapping = aes(
x = as.Date(date_index),
y = count,
group = sex,
fill = sex
stat = "identity"
) +
theme_minimal() + # apply minimal theme
plot.title = element_text(face = "bold",
hjust = 0.5), # bold and center the title
plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5), # center the subtitle
plot.caption = element_text(face = "italic", hjust = 0), # italic caption
axis.title = element_text(face = "bold"), # bold axis labels
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45,
vjust = 0.5) # rotate x-axis text for readability
) +
x = "Date", # x-axis label
y = "Number of cases", # y-axis label
title = "Daily Outbreak Cases by Sex", # plot title
subtitle = "Incidence of Cases Grouped by Sex", # plot subtitle
caption = "Data Source: Simulated Data" # caption for additional context
) +
facet_wrap(~sex) + # create separate panels by sex
breaks = breaks, # set custom date breaks
labels = scales::label_date_short() # short date format for x-axis labels
) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("lightblue",
"lightpink")) # custom fill colors for sex
Warning in geom_histogram(mapping = aes(x = as.Date(date_index), y = count, :
Ignoring unknown parameters: `binwidth`, `bins`, and `pad`

Challenge 5: Can you do it?
- Task: Produce an annotated figure for biweekly_incidence using ggplot2 package.
Key Points
- Use simulist package to generate synthetic outbreak data
- Use incidence2 package to aggregate case data based on a date event, and produce epidemic curves.
- Use ggplot2 package to produce better annotated epicurves.