Descriptive analysis with epikinetics data
Last updated on 2025-03-24 | Edit this page
Descriptive analysis
#' goal:
#' vaccination incidence stratified by vaccine type
#' observation incidence stratified by censoring status
# load packages -----------------------------------------------------------
library(datatagr) # a generalization of {linelist}
# read data ---------------------------------------------------------------
# rawdata <- "data-raw/delta.csv"
# rawdata <- ""
rawdata <- "data-out/delta_full-messy.csv" # fix this path
dat <- read_csv(rawdata)
dat #%>% glimpse()
# dat %>%
# # arrange columns
# dplyr::select(
# pid, infection_history, exp_num, last_exp_date, last_vax_type,
# dplyr::everything()
# ) %>%
# # arrange rows
# dplyr::arrange(
# pid, infection_history, exp_num, last_exp_date, last_vax_type, date
# ) %>%
# write_csv("data-out/delta_full-messy.csv")
# datatagr
# datatagr::lost_labels_action()
# datatagr::get_lost_labels_action()
# # datatagr::lost_labels_action(action = "error")
# cleanepi ----------------------------------------------------------------
# check sequence of events
dat_clean <- dat %>%
# cleanepi
cleanepi::standardize_column_names() %>%
cleanepi::standardize_dates(target_columns = "date") %>%
cleanepi::convert_to_numeric(target_columns = "exp_num") %>%
target_columns = c("last_exp_date", "date")
) %>%
# cleanepi::print_report()
target_column = "last_exp_date",
end_date = "date",
span_unit = "days",
span_column_name = "t_since_last_exp",
span_remainder_unit = "days"
) %>%
# extra wrangling
last_vax_type = forcats::fct_infreq(last_vax_type),
exp_num = forcats::as_factor(exp_num),
titre_type = forcats::fct_relevel(titre_type,"Ancestral", "Alpha"),
censored = forcats::as_factor(censored)
) %>%
# tag with {linelist}
linelist::make_linelist( # ISSUE: make_linelist can rearrange columns
id = "pid",
allow_extra = TRUE,
infection_history = "infection_history",
exp_num = "exp_num",
last_exp_date = "last_exp_date",
last_vax_type = "last_vax_type",
date = "date",
titre_type = "titre_type",
value = "value",
censored = "censored",
# last_vax_type = "last_vax_type", # ISSUE: can tolerate replicates
t_since_last_exp = "t_since_last_exp" # it is possible to pass validation without tagging?
) %>%
# validate
allow_extra = TRUE,
ref_types = linelist::tags_types(
infection_history = c("character"),
exp_num = c("factor"),
last_exp_date = c("Date"),
last_vax_type = c("factor"),
date = c("Date"),
titre_type = c("factor"),
value = c("numeric"),
censored = c("factor"),
t_since_last_exp = c("numeric"),
allow_extra = TRUE
) %>%
# keep tags data frame
# distribution of the time from the last vaccine to first observation
dat_clean %>%
group_by(id) %>%
filter(date == min(date)) %>%
slice(1) %>%
ungroup() %>%
ggplot(aes(t_since_last_exp)) +
# what these columns mean? ------------------------------------------------
#' data dictionary:
#' reference paper:
#' location:
# 335 subjects where followed up
dat_clean %>% count(pid)
## what "titre type" means? -------------------------------------------------
#' In the time series,
#' each subject had monthly serum measurements
#' for three types of antigens ("titre_type").
#' Serum samples where challenged against Ancestral, Alpha and Delta antigens.
#' The column "value" measures the titre of
#' the neutralizing effect of each sample against each antigen
dat_clean %>%
dplyr::filter(id == 2) %>%
dplyr::arrange(date) #%>%
# # select time invariant columns
# dplyr::select(
# id, infection_history, exp_num, last_exp_date, last_vax_type,
# dplyr::everything()
# )
## what "censored" means? ----------------------------------------------------
# context: censored regression model
# the "value" as the outcome is censored above or below
# because the it was measured outside the limits of detection
# threshold limit below: 5
# threshold limit above: 2560
dat_clean %>%
ggplot(aes(value, fill = as.factor(censored))) +
## subject table -----------------------------------------------------------
# subject time-invariant data
dat_subject <- dat_clean %>%
# {datatagr} reacts with dplyr::select() but not with dplyr::count() when losing tags
dplyr::select(id, infection_history, exp_num, last_exp_date, last_vax_type) %>%
dplyr::count(id, infection_history, exp_num, last_exp_date, last_vax_type)
# table 1: time-invariant columns
dat_subject %>%
data = .,
formula = ~infection_history + exp_num + last_exp_date + last_vax_type
) %>%
# table 2: were vaccine type differently applied between naive and non-naive?
dat_subject %>%
data = .,
formula = last_vax_type~infection_history,
byrow = TRUE
) %>%
compareGroups::createTable(show.all = TRUE)
# vaccinations ------------------------------------------------------------
## by vaccine type ---------------------------------------------
dat_subject %>%
# aggregate
date_index = "last_exp_date", # change: "date" or "last_exp_date"
groups = ("last_vax_type"), # change: "titre_type" or "infection_history" or "last_vax_type" or c("infection_history", "titre_type")
interval = "month", # change: "day" or "week" or "epiweek" or "month"
# complete_dates = TRUE, # relevant to downstream analysis [time-series data]
) %>%
# transform to cumulative per group (optional display)
# incidence2::cumulate() %>%
# plot
fill = "last_vax_type" # change: "infection_history", "titre_type", or "last_vax_type"
# observations ------------------------------------------------------------
# by history-variants
# not required, this reflect the proportion of "infection_history" in the cohort
## by censored -----------------------------------------------
dat_clean %>% count(censored)
dat_clean %>%
date_index = "date", # change: "date" or "last_exp_date"
groups = "censored", # change: "censored" or "titre_type" or "infection_history" or "last_vax_type" or c("infection_history", "titre_type")
interval = "month", # change: "day", "week", "month"
# complete_dates = TRUE # relevant to downstream analysis [time-series data]
) %>%
fill = "censored" # change: "censored" or "infection_history", "titre_type", or "last_vax_type"