Aggregate and visulaize

Last updated on 2024-04-29 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 30 minutes



  • How to aggregate case data?
  • How to visualize aggregated data?
  • What is distribution of cases in time, place, gender, age?


  • Simulate synthetic outbreak data
  • Convert linelist data to incidence
  • Create epidemic curves from incidence data


In an analytic pipeline, exploratory data analysis (EDA) is an important step before formal modelling. EDA helps determine relationships between variables and summarize their main characteristics often by means of data visualization.

This episode focuses on EDA of outbreaks and epidemic data, and how to achieved that using a couples of handy R packages. A key observation in EDA of epidemic analysis is capturing the relationship between time and the number of reported cases, spanning various categories (confirmed, hospitalized, deaths, and recoveries), locations, and other demographic factors such as gender, age, etc.

Synthetic outbreak data

To illustrate the process of conducting EDA on outbreak data, we will generate a line list for a hypothetical Ebola outbreak utilizing the {simulist} package. This line list dataset offers individual-level information about the outbreak. For our simulation, we will assume that the dynamics of this outbreak are influenced by several factors: the contact distribution (average number of contacts for an infected case), distribution of contact intervals (time period between contacts), and the delay distributions of onset to hospitalization and onset to death. These latter distributions can be sourced from literature and are conveniently available in the {epiparameter} package, see the below code chunk.


# Load simulist and epiparameter packages

# Define contact distribution
contact_dist <- epiparameter::epidist(
  disease = "Ebola",
  epi_dist = "contact distribution",
  prob_distribution = "pois",
  prob_distribution_params = c(mean = 2)

# Define  distribution for interval between contact
cont_interval <- epiparameter::epidist(
  disease = "Ebola",
  epi_dist = "contact interval",
  prob_distribution = "gamma",
  prob_distribution_params = c(shape = 1, scale = 1)

# Define onset to hospitalized distribution
onset_to_hosp <- contact_dist <- epiparameter::epidist(
  disease = "Ebola",
  epi_dist = "onset to hospitalisatio",
  prob_distribution = "pois",
  prob_distribution_params = c(mean = 7)

# get onset to death from {epiparameter} database
onset_to_death <- epiparameter::epidist_db(
  disease = "Ebola",
  epi_dist = "onset to death",
  single_epidist = TRUE

# Define distribution for infectious period
infect_period <- epiparameter::epidist(
  disease = "Ebola",
  epi_dist = "Infectious period",
  prob_distribution = "gamma",
  prob_distribution_params = c(shape = 1, scale = 1)

Additionally, we assume that the outbreak started at the beginning of 2023, is highly contagious with a probability of infection of \(80\%\), and its minimum and maximum sizes are 1000 and 10,000, respectively. Combining these assumptions with the mentioned distributions, the code chunk below generates a simulated line list:


# Set seed to 1 to  have the same results

# Generate simulation data using the defined distribution.
linelist <- simulist::sim_linelist(
  prob_infect = 0.6,
  hosp_risk = 0.2,
  hosp_death_risk = 0.5,
  non_hosp_death_risk = 0.05,
  outbreak_start_date = as.Date("2023-01-01"),
  add_names = TRUE,
  add_ct = TRUE,
  outbreak_size = c(1000, 10000),
  population_age = c(1, 90),
  case_type_probs = c(suspected = 0.2, probable = 0.1, confirmed = 0.7),
  config = simulist::create_config()

# View first few rows of the generated data


  id                  case_name case_type sex age date_onset date_admission
1  1           Keegan Hardy-Roy confirmed   m   3 2023-01-01           <NA>
2  6    Alexandria Torres-Perez  probable   f  13 2023-01-01           <NA>
3  7          Mitchell Reinhart confirmed   m  74 2023-01-01     2023-01-08
4  9 Stephanie Loadman-Copeland confirmed   f  65 2023-01-01     2023-01-10
5 10           Sufyaan al-Irani confirmed   m   8 2023-01-02           <NA>
6 11               Rohan Nguyen confirmed   m  27 2023-01-01           <NA>
  date_death date_first_contact date_last_contact ct_value
1       <NA>               <NA>              <NA>     24.9
2       <NA>         2022-12-30        2023-01-02       NA
3       <NA>         2022-12-31        2023-01-04     24.9
4       <NA>         2023-01-03        2023-01-04     24.9
5       <NA>         2022-12-31        2023-01-02     24.9
6       <NA>         2023-01-01        2023-01-05     24.9


Downstream analysis involves working with aggregated data rather than individual cases. This requires grouping linelist data in the form of incidence data. The incidence2 package offers an essential function, called incidence, for grouping case data, usually centered around dated events and/or other factors. The code chunk provided below demonstrates the creation of an incidence2 object from the simulated Ebola linelist data based on the date of onset.


# load incidence2 package

# create incidence object by aggregating case data  based on the date of onset
dialy_incidence_data <- incidence2::incidence(
  date_index = "date_onset",
  interval = 1

# View the first incidence data for the first 5 days
utils::head(dialy_incidence_data, 5)


# incidence:  5 x 3
# count vars: date_onset
  date_index count_variable count
* <period>   <chr>          <int>
1 2023-01-01 date_onset       475
2 2023-01-02 date_onset      4904
3 2023-01-03 date_onset      5478
4 2023-01-04 date_onset      5319
5 2023-01-05 date_onset      3520

Furthermore, with the incidence2 package, you can specify the desired interval and categorize cases by one or more factors. Below is a code snippet demonstrating weekly cases grouped by the date of onset and gender.


# Grouping data by week
weekly_incidence_data <- incidence2::incidence(
  date_index = "date_onset",
  interval = 7,
  groups = c("sex", "case_type")

# View incidence data for the first 5 weeks
utils::head(weekly_incidence_data, 5)


# incidence:  5 x 5
# count vars: date_onset
# groups:     sex, case_type
  date_index               sex   case_type count_variable count
* <period>                 <chr> <chr>     <chr>          <int>
1 2022-12-29 to 2023-01-04 f     confirmed date_onset      5576
2 2022-12-29 to 2023-01-04 f     probable  date_onset       766
3 2022-12-29 to 2023-01-04 f     suspected date_onset      1612
4 2022-12-29 to 2023-01-04 m     confirmed date_onset      5760
5 2022-12-29 to 2023-01-04 m     probable  date_onset       787


When cases are grouped by different factors, it’s possible that these groups may have different date ranges in the resulting incidence2 object. The incidence2 package provides a function called complete_dates() to ensure that an incidence object has the same range of dates for each group. By default, missing counts will be filled with 0.


# Create incidence object
dialy_incidence_data_2 <- incidence2::incidence(
  date_index = "date_onset",
  groups = "sex",
  interval = 1

# Complete missing dates in the incidence object
  expand = TRUE,
  fill = 0L, by = 1L,
  allow_POSIXct = FALSE


# incidence:  24 x 4
# count vars: date_onset
# groups:     sex
   date_index sex   count_variable count
   <period>   <chr> <chr>          <int>
 1 2023-01-01 f     date_onset       242
 2 2023-01-01 m     date_onset       233
 3 2023-01-02 f     date_onset      2403
 4 2023-01-02 m     date_onset      2501
 5 2023-01-03 f     date_onset      2709
 6 2023-01-03 m     date_onset      2769
 7 2023-01-04 f     date_onset      2600
 8 2023-01-04 m     date_onset      2719
 9 2023-01-05 f     date_onset      1763
10 2023-01-05 m     date_onset      1757
# ℹ 14 more rows


“The incidence2 object can be visualized using the plot() function from the base R package. The resulting graph is referred to as an epidemic curve, or epi-curve for short. The following code snippets generate epi-curves for the dialy_incidence_data and weekly_incidence_data incidence objects mentioned above.”


# Load ggplot2 and tracetheme packages

# Plot daily incidence data
base::plot(dialy_incidence_data) + ggplot2::labs(
  x = "Time (in days)",
  y = "Dialy cases"
) + tracetheme::theme_trace()


# Plot weekly incidence data

base::plot(weekly_incidence_data) + ggplot2::labs(
  x = "Time (in days)",
  y = "weekly cases"
) + tracetheme::theme_trace()

Challenge 1: Can you do it?

  • Using suitable distributions for contacts, contact interval, infectious period, onset to hospitalized, and onset to death, generate a simulated linelist data for Marburg outbreak that has the probability of \(0.5\) infection?
  • Aggregate the generated linelist and produce some epidemic curves?

Key Points

  • Use {simulist} package to generate synthetic outbreak data
  • Use incidence2 package to aggregate case data based on a date event, and produce epidemic curves.