Instructor Notes

Instructor notes

Contact matrices

Instructor Note

Simulating transmission

Instructor Note

By the end of this tutorial, learners should be able to replicate the above image on their own computers.

Choosing an appropriate model

Instructor Note

The focus of this tutorial is understanding existing models to decide if they are appropriate for a defined question.

Modelling interventions

Instructor Note

In this tutorial different types of intervention and how they can be modelled are introduced. Learners should be able to understand the underlying mechanism of these interventions (e.g. reduce contact rate) as well as how to implement the code to include such interventions.

Comparing public health outcomes of interventions

Instructor Note

In this tutorial we introduce the concept of the counter factual and how to compare scenarios (counter factual versus intervention) against each other.

Comparing vaccination strategies

Instructor Note

Inline instructor notes can help inform instructors of timing challenges associated with the lessons. They appear in the “Instructor View”.


The Workbench-related sections that the developer must keep are:

  • YAML on top
  • Questions
  • Objectives
  • Keypoints

The Epiverse-TRACE sections that we encourage to keep are:

  • Prerequisites
  • Introduction

Take a look to the file for more writing guidelines.

Modelling disease burden

Instructor Note

Inline instructor notes can help inform instructors of timing challenges associated with the lessons. They appear in the “Instructor View”.