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Download climate data from stations contained in a Region of Interest (ROI/geometry). This data is retrieved from local meteorological stations provided by IDEAM.


download_climate_geom(geometry, start_date, end_date, tag)



sf object containing the geometry for a given ROI. The geometry can be either a POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON.


character with the first date to consult in the format "YYYY-MM-DD". (First available date is "1920-01-01").


character with the last date to consult in the format "YYYY-MM-DD". (Last available date is "2023-05-31").


character containing climate tag to consult.


data.frame object with observations from the stations in the area.


# \donttest{
lat <- c(4.172817, 4.172817, 4.136050, 4.136050, 4.172817)
lon <- c(-74.749121, -74.686169, -74.686169, -74.749121, -74.749121)
polygon <- sf::st_polygon(x = list(cbind(lon, lat)))
geometry <- sf::st_sfc(polygon)
roi <- sf::st_as_sf(geometry)
ptpm <- download_climate_geom(roi, "2022-11-14", "2022-11-20", "PTPM_CON")
#> Original data is retrieved from the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology
#> and Environmental Studies (Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y
#> Estudios Ambientales - IDEAM).
#> Reformatted by package authors.
#> Stored by Universidad de Los Andes under the Epiverse TRACE iniative.
#>    station    longitude   latitude       date     hour      tag value
#> 1 21190290 -74.71311111 4.16102778 2022-11-14 07:00:00 PTPM_CON     2
#> 2 21190290 -74.71311111 4.16102778 2022-11-15 07:00:00 PTPM_CON     0
#> 3 21190290 -74.71311111 4.16102778 2022-11-16 07:00:00 PTPM_CON     2
#> 4 21190290 -74.71311111 4.16102778 2022-11-17 07:00:00 PTPM_CON    43
#> 5 21190290 -74.71311111 4.16102778 2022-11-18 07:00:00 PTPM_CON     0
#> 6 21190290 -74.71311111 4.16102778 2022-11-19 07:00:00 PTPM_CON     0
# }