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ColOpenData can be used to access open climate data from Colombia. This climate data is retrieved from the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM). The climate module allows the user to consult climate data for any Region of Interest (ROI) inside the country and retrieve the information for each station contained inside.

The available information from IDEAM can be accessed using specific internal tags as follows:

Tags Variable
TSSM_CON Dry-bulb Temperature
THSM_CON Wet-bulb Temperature
TMN_CON Minimum Temperature
TMX_CON Maximum Temperature
TSTG_CON Dry-bulb Temperature (Termograph)
HR_CAL Relative Humidity
HRHG_CON Relative Humidity (Hydrograph)
TV_CAL Vapour Pressure
TPR_CAL Dew Point
PTPM_CON Precipitation (Daily)
PTPG_CON Precipitation (Hourly)
EVTE_CON Evaporation
FA_CON Atmospheric Phenomenon
NB_CON Cloudiness
RCAM_CON Wind Trajectory
BSHG_CON Sunshine Duration
VVAG_CON Wind Speed
DVAG_CON Wind Direction
VVMXAG_CON Maximum Wind Speed
DVMXAG_CON Maximum Wind Direction

Each observation is subject to the availability of stations in the ROI and the stations’ status (active, maintenance or suspended), as well as quality filters implemented by IDEAM.

In this vignette you will learn: 1. How to download climate data using ColOpenData by three different methods - Download from named stations - Download from geometry (sf) - Download from named geometry (municipality or department) 2. How to aggregate climate data by different frequencies 3. How to plot downloaded climate data

For this example we will retrieve data for the municipality of Manizales in Colombia. We will download Maximum Temperature (TMX_CON) from 2013 to 2016, to observe the increase in temperature during 2015 and 2016 due to the impact of El Nino (ENSO).

ColOpenData offers three methods to do this, using different functions: - download_climate_stations to download climate data from previously selected stations - download_climate_geom to download climate data from a specified geometry (ROI) - download_climate to download climate data from municipalities’ or departments’ already loaded geometries

In this example, we will follow the three methods to get the same results, exploring the included functions. We will start by loading the needed libraries.

Disclaimer: all data is loaded to the environment in the user’s R session, but is not downloaded to user’s computer.

Retrieving climate data for a ROI using stations’ data

For this example, we will need to create a spatial polygon around the municipality of Manizales and use that as our ROI to retrieve the climate data. To create the spatial polygon we need to introduce the coordinates of the geometry. For simplicity, we will build a bounding box by introducing the 4 points which bound the municipality, and transform the created geometry into an sf object (see sf library for further details).

lat <- c(5.166278, 5.166278, 4.982247, 4.982247, 5.166278)
lon <- c(-75.678072, -75.327859, -75.327859, -75.678072, -75.678072)

polygon <- st_polygon(x = list(cbind(lon, lat))) %>% st_sfc()

roi <- st_as_sf(polygon)

With our created ROI, we can make a simple visualization using leaflet.

leaflet(roi) %>%
  addProviderTiles("OpenStreetMap") %>%
    stroke = TRUE,
    weight = 2,
    color = "#2e6930",
    fillColor = "#2e6930",
    opacity = 0.6

We can make a first exploration to check if there are any stations contained inside of it, using the function stations_in_roi

stations <- stations_in_roi(roi)

#> Simple feature collection with 6 features and 20 fields
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -75.51667 ymin: 5.029778 xmax: -75.35611 ymax: 5.1
#> CRS:           NA
#>        codigo                           nombre           categoria
#> 138  26155220      VILLAMARIA - AUT [26155220] Climática Principal
#> 139  26155210         TORRE 4 - AUT [26155210] Climática Principal
#> 140  26155230            EMAS - AUT [26155230] Climática Principal
#> 266  26155110   AEROPUERTO LA NUBIA [26155110] Sinóptica Principal
#> 749  26155170 TESORITO FINCA  - AUT [26155170] Climática Ordinaria
#> 1119 26157090              PLAYA LA [26157090]        Limnimétrica
#>                     tecnologia     estado departamento  municipio  latitud
#> 138  Automática con Telemetría     Activa       Caldas Villamaria 5.048667
#> 139  Automática con Telemetría Suspendida       Caldas  Manizales 5.060778
#> 140  Automática con Telemetría     Activa       Caldas  Manizales 5.085250
#> 266               Convencional     Activa       Caldas  Manizales 5.029778
#> 749  Automática con Telemetría     Activa       Caldas  Manizales 5.032222
#> 1119              Convencional Suspendida       Caldas  Manizales 5.100000
#>       longitud altitud   fecha_instalacion
#> 138  -75.51389    1906 2004-06-14 00:00:00
#> 139  -75.35611    3787 2004-07-14 00:00:00
#> 140  -75.50714    2211 2004-06-10 00:00:00
#> 266  -75.46992    2104 1968-06-15 00:00:00
#> 749  -75.43833    2325 1992-10-14 19:00:00
#> 1119 -75.51667     250 1984-07-15 00:00:00
#>                              area_operativa         corriente area_hidrografica
#> 138  Area Operativa 09 - Cauca-Valle-Caldas          San Juan   Magdalena Cauca
#> 139  Area Operativa 09 - Cauca-Valle-Caldas          San Juan   Magdalena Cauca
#> 140  Area Operativa 09 - Cauca-Valle-Caldas          San Juan   Magdalena Cauca
#> 266  Area Operativa 09 - Cauca-Valle-Caldas           Orinoco   Magdalena Cauca
#> 749  Area Operativa 09 - Cauca-Valle-Caldas                 0   Magdalena Cauca
#> 1119 Area Operativa 09 - Cauca-Valle-Caldas Quebrada Olivares   Magdalena Cauca
#>      zona_hidrografica subzona_hidrografica
#> 138              Cauca        Río Chinchiná
#> 139    Medio Magdalena          Río Guarinó
#> 140              Cauca        Río Chinchiná
#> 266              Cauca        Río Chinchiná
#> 749              Cauca        Río Chinchiná
#> 1119             Cauca        Río Chinchiná
#>                                                          entidad
#>      fecha_suspension mpio_cdpmp dpto_ccdgo                   geometry
#> 138              <NA>      17873         17 POINT (-75.51389 5.048667)
#> 139        2010-09-29      17446         17 POINT (-75.35611 5.060778)
#> 140              <NA>      17001         17  POINT (-75.50714 5.08525)
#> 266              <NA>      17001         17 POINT (-75.46992 5.029778)
#> 749              <NA>      17001         17 POINT (-75.43833 5.032222)
#> 1119       1996-04-15      17001         17      POINT (-75.51667 5.1)

We can see that in the region there are 129 stations. Different categories are recorded by different stations, and can be checked at the column categoria. To understand the category of each station we can use the definition catalog provided by IDEAM here. Stations under the categories Climática Principal and Climática Ordinaria have records of temperature.

Some stations are suspended, which means they are not taking measurements at the moment. This information is found at the column estado where, if suspended, the observation would be Suspendida Also, at the column fecha_suspension the observation would be different from NA, since suspended stations would have an associated suspension date. However, even if a station is suspended, the historical data (up to the suspension date) can be accessed.

To filter the stations that recorded information during the desired period, we can delete the stations with suspension dates before 2013.

cw_stations <- stations %>%
    as.Date(fecha_suspension) > as.Date("2013-01-01") | estado == "Activa",
    categoria %in% c("Climática Principal", "Climática Ordinaria")

#> Simple feature collection with 6 features and 20 fields
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -75.66667 ymin: 5.017778 xmax: -75.35658 ymax: 5.08525
#> CRS:           NA
#>       codigo                                      nombre           categoria
#> 1   26155220                 VILLAMARIA - AUT [26155220] Climática Principal
#> 2   26155230                       EMAS - AUT [26155230] Climática Principal
#> 3   26155170            TESORITO FINCA  - AUT [26155170] Climática Ordinaria
#> 4 2615500122 LA ESPERANZA ANDALUCIA - AUT   [2615500122] Climática Principal
#> 5   26155190                    ALGARROBO EL  [26155190] Climática Principal
#> 6   26155090                      SANTAGUEDA  [26155090] Climática Principal
#>                  tecnologia estado departamento          municipio  latitud
#> 1 Automática con Telemetría Activa       Caldas         Villamaria 5.048667
#> 2 Automática con Telemetría Activa       Caldas          Manizales 5.085250
#> 3 Automática con Telemetría Activa       Caldas          Manizales 5.032222
#> 4 Automática con Telemetría Activa       Caldas          Manizales 5.017778
#> 5              Convencional Activa       Caldas          Manizales 5.066667
#> 6              Convencional Activa       Caldas Palestina (Caldas) 5.083333
#>    longitud altitud   fecha_instalacion                         area_operativa
#> 1 -75.51389    1906 2004-06-14 00:00:00 Area Operativa 09 - Cauca-Valle-Caldas
#> 2 -75.50714    2211 2004-06-10 00:00:00 Area Operativa 09 - Cauca-Valle-Caldas
#> 3 -75.43833    2325 1992-10-14 19:00:00 Area Operativa 09 - Cauca-Valle-Caldas
#> 4 -75.35658    3316 2017-04-19 19:00:00 Area Operativa 09 - Cauca-Valle-Caldas
#> 5 -75.58333    1202 1992-11-15 00:00:00 Area Operativa 09 - Cauca-Valle-Caldas
#> 6 -75.66667    1010 1964-01-15 00:00:00 Area Operativa 09 - Cauca-Valle-Caldas
#>           corriente area_hidrografica zona_hidrografica subzona_hidrografica
#> 1          San Juan   Magdalena Cauca             Cauca        Río Chinchiná
#> 2          San Juan   Magdalena Cauca             Cauca        Río Chinchiná
#> 3                 0   Magdalena Cauca             Cauca        Río Chinchiná
#> 4                 0   Magdalena Cauca             Cauca        Río Chinchiná
#> 5 Qda Santa Barbara   Magdalena Cauca             Cauca        Río Chinchiná
#> 6 Qda Santa Barbara   Magdalena Cauca             Cauca        Río Chinchiná
#>                                                       entidad fecha_suspension
#> 5                            FEDERACION NACIONAL DE CAFETEROS             <NA>
#> 6                            FEDERACION NACIONAL DE CAFETEROS             <NA>
#>   mpio_cdpmp dpto_ccdgo                   geometry
#> 1      17873         17 POINT (-75.51389 5.048667)
#> 2      17001         17  POINT (-75.50714 5.08525)
#> 3      17001         17 POINT (-75.43833 5.032222)
#> 4      17001         17 POINT (-75.35658 5.017778)
#> 5      17001         17 POINT (-75.58333 5.066667)
#> 6      17524         17 POINT (-75.66667 5.083333)

From the original 129 stations, 40 were working for some or the whole period of interest and collected information for Dry-bulb Temperature (TSSM_CON). It is important to consider that after data collection, some information might be lost due to quality attributes.

With the stations, we can access TMX_CON from 2013 to 2016. To do so, we can use the function download_climate_stations. This function has the following parameters:

  • stations: data.frame containing the stations’ codes. This data.frame must be retrieved from the function stations_in_roi.
  • start_date: character with the first date to consult in the format "YYYY-MM-DD".
  • end_date: character with the last date to consult in the format "YYYY-MM_DD". (Last available date is "2023-05-31").
  • tag: character containing climate tag to consult.
max_temperature_stations <- download_climate_stations(
  stations = cw_stations,
  start_date = "2013-01-01",
  end_date = "2016-12-31",
  tag = "TMX_CON"
#> Original data is retrieved from the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology
#> and Environmental Studies (Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y
#> Estudios Ambientales - IDEAM).
#> Reformatted by package authors.
#> Stored by Universidad de Los Andes under the Epiverse TRACE iniative.

#>    station longitude latitude       date     hour     tag value
#> 1 26155170 -75.43833 5.032222 2013-01-01 19:00:00 TMX_CON  20.2
#> 2 26155170 -75.43833 5.032222 2013-01-02 19:00:00 TMX_CON  21.0
#> 3 26155170 -75.43833 5.032222 2013-01-03 19:00:00 TMX_CON  21.4
#> 4 26155170 -75.43833 5.032222 2013-01-04 19:00:00 TMX_CON  20.6
#> 5 26155170 -75.43833 5.032222 2013-01-05 19:00:00 TMX_CON  22.4
#> 6 26155170 -75.43833 5.032222 2013-01-06 19:00:00 TMX_CON  22.2

The returned tidy data.frame includes: individual and unique station code, longitude, latitude, date, hour, tag requested and value recorded at the specified time. The tidy structure reports a row for each observation, which makes the subset and plot easier.

To plot a time series of the stations’ data we can use ggplot2 as follows:

ggplot(data = max_temperature_stations) +
  geom_line(aes(x = date, y = value, group = station), color = "#106ba0") +
  ggtitle("Max Temperature in Manizales by station") +
  xlab("Date") +
  ylab("Temperature [°C]") +
  theme_minimal() +
  facet_grid(rows = vars(station))

As we can see, only two stations have data for the selected period, and we have missing information in some periods. Additionally, by having the data daily we cannot easily see big changes along time. To aid this issue, we will use the aggregation function aggregate_climate, which aggregates climate data by time. This function takes by parameter the desired aggregation.

max_temperature_month <- max_temperature_stations %>% aggregate_climate("month")

ggplot(data = max_temperature_month) +
  geom_line(aes(x = date, y = value, group = station), color = "#106ba0") +
  ggtitle("Dry-bulb Temperature") +
  xlab("Date") +
  ylab("Dry-bulb temperature [C]") +
  theme_minimal() +
  facet_grid(rows = vars(station))

Retrieving climate data for a ROI

To retrieve climate data for any ROI in the country, without manually extracting the stations’ data, we can use the function download_climate_geom. The function has the following parameters:

  • geometry: sf geometry containing the geometry for a given ROI. This geometry can be either a POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON.
  • start_date: character with the first date to consult in the format "YYYY-MM-DD".
  • end_date: character with the last date to consult in the format "YYYY-MM_DD". (Last available date is "2023-05-31").
  • tag: character containing climate tag to consult.

We will use the same ROI created for the previous example, and add the aggregation for month. We can add the aggregation function to the workflow using the pipe operator %>%.

max_temperature_roi <- download_climate_geom(
  geometry = roi,
  start_date = "2013-01-01",
  end_date = "2016-12-31",
  tag = "TMX_CON"
) %>% aggregate_climate("month")
ggplot(data = max_temperature_roi) +
  geom_line(aes(x = date, y = value, group = station), color = "#106ba0") +
  ggtitle("Dry-bulb Temperature") +
  xlab("Date") +
  ylab("Dry-bulb temperature [C]") +
  theme_minimal() +
  facet_grid(rows = vars(station))

Retrieving climate data for municipality

To make the download process even easier, and avoid the creation of already known geometries like municipalities or departments, ColOpenData offers an extra function to download data using the areas’ DIVIPOLA code.

DIVIPOLA codification is standardized for the whole country, and contains departments’ and municipalities’ codes. For further details on DIVIPOLA codification and functions please refer to Documentation and Dictionaries. We will filter for the city of Manizales in the department Caldas.

name_to_code_mun("Caldas", "Manizales")
#> [1] "17001"

The function download_climate will require almost the same arguments as download_climate_geom, but instead of an sf object, it will take a character containing the DIVIPOLA code:

  • code: character with the DIVIPOLA code for the area.
  • start_date: character with the first date to consult in the format "YYYY-MM-DD".
  • end_date: character with the last date to consult in the format "YYYY-MM_DD". (Last available date is "2023-05-31").
  • tag: character containing climate tag to consult.
max_temperature_mpio <- download_climate(
  code = "17001",
  start_date = "2013-01-01",
  end_date = "2016-12-31",
  tag = "TMX_CON"
) %>% aggregate_climate("month")
ggplot(data = max_temperature_mpio) +
  geom_line(aes(x = date, y = value, group = station), color = "#106ba0") +
  ggtitle("Dry-bulb Temperature") +
  xlab("Date") +
  ylab("Dry-bulb temperature [C]") +
  theme_minimal() +
  facet_grid(rows = vars(station))

As stated at the beginning of this vignette, the three methods display the same results.


  • Data availability is subdued to station’s measurements and quality filters. In most cases, this leads to a lower amount of data, considering the extensive amount of climate stations.

  • Temporal aggregation is only available for some tags and is limited to the ones who have a specific methodology of aggregation reported by IDEAM. The daily, monthly and annual aggregation is available for:

    • TSSM_CON: Dry-bulb temperature
    • TMX_CON: Maximum temperature
    • TMN_CON: Minimum temperature
    • PTPM_CON: Precipitation
    • BSHG_CON: Sunshine duration
  • Temporal and spatial interpolation are not included in this version of ColOpenData.