This function downloads demographic datasets from the National Population and Dwelling Census (CNPV) of 2018.
house_under_15 <- download_demographic("DANE_CNPVH_2018_1HD")
#> ColOpenData provides open data derived from Departamento Administrativo
#> Nacional de Estadística (DANE), and Instituto de Hidrología,
#> Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM) but with modifications for
#> specific functional needs. These changes may alter the structure,
#> format, or content, meaning the data does not reflect the official
#> dataset. The package is developed independently, with no endorsement or
#> involvement from these institutions or any Colombian government body.
#> The authors of ColOpenData are not liable for how users utilize the
#> data, and users areresponsible for any outcomes from their use or
#> analysis of the data.
#> Stored by Universidad de Los Andes under the Epiverse TRACE iniative.
#> codigo_departamento departamento area condicion
#> 1 00 <NA> total total_hogares
#> 2 00 <NA> total hogares_con_menores_de_15_anos
#> 3 00 <NA> total total_menores_de_15_anos
#> 4 05 Antioquia total total_hogares
#> 5 05 Antioquia total hogares_con_menores_de_15_anos
#> 6 05 Antioquia total total_menores_de_15_anos
#> total
#> 1 14243223
#> 2 6216640
#> 3 9932653
#> 4 1983566
#> 5 778216
#> 6 1173475