Setting Up Git

Last updated on 2024-03-05 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 10 minutes



  • How do I set up Git?
  • What is a token?
  • What is a commit?
  • What is a repository?
  • What is a branch?


  • Configure git the first time it is used on a computer.

The Git workflow

A version control system is a tool that keeps track of these changes for us, effectively creating different versions of our files. Each record of these changes is called a commit. Each keeps useful metadata about them. Instead of saving copies with different file names, we are making commits in the same file. Consecutive commits generate a linear history of changes.

Changes Are Saved Sequentially
Each record of changes is called a commit. From:

The complete history of commits for a particular project and their metadata make up a repository. Repositories can be kept in sync across different computers, facilitating collaboration among different people.

Before creating our first repository, we need to setup Git. So, let’s open Rstudio and introduce yourself to Git!

The Rstudio Console

In this episode, we are going to use the Rstudio Console.

Visual appearance of the Console.
Visual appearance of the Console.

Set up Git

When we use Git on a new computer for the first time, we need to configure a few things. Below are a few examples of configurations we will set as we get started with Git:

  • our name and email address,
  • and that we want to use these settings globally (i.e. for every project).

You can set your Git user name and email from within R using the usethis package.

Using the Rstudio Console, here is how Dracula sets up his new laptop:


# install if needed (do this exactly once):
# install.packages("usethis")

usethis::use_git_config( = "Vlad Dracula", = "vlad@tran.sylvan.ia",
  github.user = "vlad")

Substitute this chunk with your name and the email associated with your GitHub account.

Please use your own name and email address instead of Dracula’s. This user name and email will be associated with your subsequent Git activity, which means that any changes pushed to GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab or another Git host server after this lesson will include this information.

For this lesson, we will be interacting with GitHub and so the email address used should be the same as the one used when setting up your GitHub account. If you are concerned about privacy, please review GitHub’s instructions for keeping your email address private.

Keeping your email private

If you elect to use a private email address with GitHub, then use that same email address for the value, e.g. replacing username with your GitHub one.

Set up your GitHub token

To interact with GitHub we need to include credentials in the request. We are going to configure one type of credential called Personal Access Token (PAT). We need this to prove that we are a specific GitHub user, allowed to do whatever we’re asking to do. (Bryan, 2021)

First, let’s create your token.

Do this with usethis::create_github_token(). This function should redirect you to GitHub on your browser. Once there, check all the options in the figure below.



Describe the token use case.

Look over the scopes; the recommended scopes to select are “repo”, “workflow”, and “user”. When using usethis::create_github_token() will pre-select all the recommended scopes for you!

Click “Generate token”.

Visual display with the recommended scopes selected. Optional scopes are “gist” and “delete_repo” to create a gist and delete repositories.
Visual display with the recommended scopes selected. Optional scopes are “gist” and “delete_repo” to create a gist and delete repositories.

Copy your token. Save it for the next step.

token options


  • "repo" will give you control of your private repositories online (YES! you can have private repos!).
  • "workflow" will allow you to run automated processes for your repository online (This is advanced! so let’s get back to this after the episode on GitHub).
  • "user" will allow you to update your user data (as in the first step here).

Second, let’s configure your token.

To complete the configuration of your token use gitcreds::gitcreds_set() (Bryan, 2021), then accept that you want to Replace these credentials. Write the corresponding number and press ENTER.




-> What would you like to do?

1: Abort update with error, and keep the existing credentials
2: Replace these credentials
3: See the password / token

Selection: 2

Paste your token to save it and complete this step.

Lastly, let’s confirm your setting.




In the ── Git global (user) section, the two first lines of the output should look like this:


── Git global (user)
• Name: 'Vlad Dracula'
• Email: 'vlad@tran.sylvan.ia'

In the ── GitHub user section, the three first lines of the output should look like this:


── GitHub user
• Default GitHub host: ''
• Personal access token for '': '<discovered>'
• GitHub user: 'vlad'

You should recognize your:

  • Name,
  • GitHub login, and
  • Token.

Set up a default branch name

As we mentioned before, the complete history of commits for a particular project and their metadata make up a repository. (We are going to create one in the next episode!)

A branch is a snapshot of a version of a repository. In that sense, a repository can have more than one branch. WHAT?!! How is that possible? We are going to see that in coming episodes!

Version history within a single branch.
Version history within a single branch.

Git (2.28+) allows configuration of the name of the branch created when you initialize any new repository. Dracula decides to use that feature to set it to main so it matches the cloud service he will eventually use.

Run the code chunk below:


usethis::git_default_branch_configure(name = "main")

To confirm this setting, run:



In the ── Git local (project) section, almost at the end of the message, the third line of the output should say Default branch: 'main':

── Git local (project)
• Name: 'Vlad Dracula'
• Email: 'vlad@tran.sylvan.ia'
• Default branch: 'main'

Source file changes are associated with a “branch.” For new learners in this lesson, it’s enough to know that branches exist, and this lesson uses one branch.
By default, Git will create a branch called master when you create a new repository with git init (as explained in the next Episode). This term evokes the racist practice of human slavery and the software development community has moved to adopt more inclusive language.

In 2020, most Git code hosting services transitioned to using main as the default branch. As an example, any new repository that is opened in GitHub and GitLab default to main. However, Git has not yet made the same change. As a result, local repositories must be manually configured have the same main branch name as most cloud services.

For versions of Git prior to 2.28, the change can be made on an individual repository level. The command for this is in the next episode. Note that if this value is unset in your local Git configuration, the init.defaultBranch value defaults to master.


We need to run these commands only once! Git will use this settings for every project, in your user account, on this computer.

And if necessary, change your configuration using the same commands to update your email address. This can be done as many times as you want.

When using usethis::git_sitrep(), check if there is no ✖ ... line in the output with an error message.

Some common errors are solved here:


When using the Terminal, this step is known as git config with the --global option. In the next chapter we are going to interact with the Terminal!

Key Points

  • Use the usethis package to configure a user name, email address, and other preferences once per machine.
  • Use usethis::use_git_config() to configure Git in Rstudio.
  • Use usethis::git_sitrep() to verify your configuration.