Learning materials
We organise our training materials in two curricula. The Outbreak Analytics curriculum aims to facilitate finding, choosing, and using R packages for outbreak analytics tasks to inform decision-making. The Research Sofware curriculum aims to extend our R toolset to produce open, reproducible and sustainable data analysis projects following good Research Sofware practices.
We address these goals with an e-Epi training kit, Tutorials, Case studies, and How-to guides:
- The e-Epi training kit is an e-learning strategy for progressive and flexible learning. It includes an introductory e-course in data science for public health and infectious disease modelling in Latin America and the Caribbean with a gender perspective. Initially only with content in Spanish. (coming soon)
- Tutorials will help you learn how to complete an outbreak analytic task following a practical step-by-step guide using R packages to start your own journey.
- Case studies are real-life retrospective accounts of real projects delivered by users in the field. (coming soon)
- How-to guides are question-specific recipe-like scripts to show how multiple R packages can interoperate to get a solution.
Please note the development stage of the learning materials. A “pre-alpha” tutorial is still being constructed. An “alpha” tutorial is being taught by the original authors but has not been fully tested.
Outbreak Analytics Curriculum
These workshops focus on working with outbreak data using peer-reviewed interoperable open-source software like R packages to help the decision-making process in public health.
e-Epi training kit en Español
El e-Epi-training kit es una estrategia para el aprendizaje en línea que permite un aprendizaje progresivo y flexible. Este kit incluye el curso virtual en ciencia de datos en salud pública y modelamiento de enfermedades infecciosas, el cual está dirigido a América Latina y el Caribe y cuenta con un enfoque de género. Leer más detalles sobre la estrategia en línea.
Tutoriales en Español
Tutorial | Sitio | Repositorio | Agenda para instructoras/es | Fase de desarrollo |
Análisis de Brotes y Modelamiento en Salud Pública | ![]() |
Tutorials in English
How-to guides in English
Material | Site | Repository | Instructor schedule | Development stage |
How-to guides for Outbreak Analytics with R | ![]() |
Research Software Curriculum
The focus of these workshops is on best practices for your outbreak analytics R projects and data. This uses command line utilities and complementary R packages to improve the openness, reproducibility, and sustainability of your analysis project.
Tutorial | Site | Repository | Instructor schedule | Development stage |
Version Control with Git in Rstudio | ![]() |
Improve your code for Epidemic Analysis with R | ![]() |
Para Tutoriales en Español recomendamos la curricula del Software Carpentry en Español con tutoriales sobre La terminal de Unix, Control de versiones con R, y R para análisis cientificos reproducible
Your questions
Are you interested in participating in any of our workshops? Sign up for our mailing list, or follow us on Twitter at Epiverse_TRACE. You can also subscribe to our blog feed and take a look at our events calendar.
Are you interested in teaching these materials? For this and more questions about broader training topics, start a discussion.
For questions about a specific learning material, go to its repository to create an issue.