Content from Read case data

Last updated on 2025-02-11 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 30 minutes



  • Where do you usually store your outbreak data?
  • How many different data formats can I read?
  • Is it possible to import data from databases and health APIs?


  • Explain how to import outbreak data from different sources into R environment.


This episode requires you to be familiar with:

Data science : Basic programming with R.


The initial step in outbreak analysis involves importing the target dataset into the R environment from various sources. Outbreak data is typically stored in files of diverse formats, relational database management systems (RDBMS), or health information system (HIS) application program interfaces (APIs) such as REDCap, DHIS2, etc. The latter option is particularly well-suited for storing institutional health data. This episode will elucidate the process of reading cases from these sources.

Let’s start by loading the package rio to read data and the package here to easily find a file path within your RStudio project. We’ll use the pipe %>% to connect some of their functions, including others from the package dplyr, so let’s also call to the tidyverse package:


# Load packages
library(tidyverse) # for {dplyr} functions and the pipe %>%
library(rio) # for importing data
library(here) # for easy file referencing

The double-colon

The double-colon :: in R let you call a specific function from a package without loading the entire package into the current environment.

For example, dplyr::filter(data, condition) uses filter() from the dplyr package.

This help us remember package functions and avoid namespace conflicts.

Setup a project and folder

Reading from files

Several packages are available for importing outbreak data stored in individual files into R. These include rio, readr from the tidyverse, io, ImportExport, and data.table. Together, these packages offer methods to read single or multiple files in a wide range of formats.

The below example shows how to import a csv file into R environment using rio package.


# read data
# e.g., the path to our file is data/raw-data/ebola_cases_2.csv then:
ebola_confirmed <- rio::import(
  here::here("data", "ebola_cases_2.csv")
) %>%
  dplyr::as_tibble() # for a simple data frame output

# preview data


# A tibble: 120 × 4
    year month   day confirm
   <int> <int> <int>   <int>
 1  2014     5    18       1
 2  2014     5    20       2
 3  2014     5    21       4
 4  2014     5    22       6
 5  2014     5    23       1
 6  2014     5    24       2
 7  2014     5    26      10
 8  2014     5    27       8
 9  2014     5    28       2
10  2014     5    29      12
# ℹ 110 more rows

Similarly, you can import files of other formats such as tsv, xlsx, … etc.

Why should we use the {here} package?

The here package is designed to simplify file referencing in R projects by providing a reliable way to construct file paths relative to the project root. The main reason to use it is Cross-Environment Compatibility.

It works across different operating systems (Windows, Mac, Linux) without needing to adjust file paths.

  • On Windows, paths are written using backslashes ( \ ) as the separator between folder names: "data\raw-data\file.csv"
  • On Unix based operating system such as macOS or Linux the forward slash ( / ) is used as the path separator: "data/raw-data/file.csv"

The here package is ideal for adding one more layer of reproducibility to your work. If you are interested in reproducibility, we invite you to read this tutorial to increase the openess, sustainability, and reproducibility of your epidemic analysis with R

Reading compressed data

Take 1 minute: Can you read data from a compressed file in R? Download this zip file containing data for Marburg outbreak and then import it to your working environment.

You can check the full list of supported file formats in the rio package on the package website. To expand {rio} to the full range of support for import and export formats run:



You can use this template to read the file:

rio::import(here::here("some", "where", "downto", "path", ""))


rio::import(here::here("data", ""))

Reading from databases

The DBI package serves as a versatile interface for interacting with database management systems (DBMS) across different back-ends or servers. It offers a uniform method for accessing and retrieving data from various database systems.

When to read directly from a database?

We can use database interface packages to optimize memory usage. If we process the database with “queries” (e.g., select, filter, summarise) before extraction, we can reduce the memory load in our RStudio session. Conversely, conducting all data manipulation outside the database management system can lead to occupying more disk space than desired running out of memory.

The following code chunk demonstrates in four steps how to create a temporary SQLite database in memory, store the ebola_confirmed as a table on it, and subsequently read it:

1. Connect with a database

First, we establish a connection to an SQLite database created in memory using DBI::dbConnect().



# Create a temporary SQLite database in memory
db_connection <- DBI::dbConnect(
  drv = RSQLite::SQLite(),
  dbname = ":memory:"


A real-life connection would look like this:


# in real-life
db_connection <- DBI::dbConnect(
  host = "",
  user = "juanito",
  password = epiversetrace::askForPassword("Database password")

2. Write a local data frame as a table in a database

Then, we can write the ebola_confirmed into a table named cases within the database using the DBI::dbWriteTable() function.


# Store the 'ebola_confirmed' dataframe as a table named 'cases'
# in the SQLite database
  conn = db_connection,
  name = "cases",
  value = ebola_confirmed

In a database framework, you can have more than one table. Each table can belong to a specific entity (e.g., patients, care units, jobs). All tables will be related by a common ID or primary key.

3. Read data from a table in a database

Subsequently, we reads the data from the cases table using dplyr::tbl().


# Read one table from the database
mytable_db <- dplyr::tbl(src = db_connection, "cases")

If we apply dplyr verbs to this database SQLite table, these verbs will be translated to SQL queries.


# Show the SQL queries translated
mytable_db %>%
  dplyr::filter(confirm > 50) %>%
  dplyr::arrange(desc(confirm)) %>%


SELECT `cases`.*
FROM `cases`
WHERE (`confirm` > 50.0)
ORDER BY `confirm` DESC

4. Extract data from the database

Use dplyr::collect() to force computation of a database query and extract the output to your local computer.


# Pull all data down to a local tibble
extracted_data <- mytable_db %>%
  dplyr::filter(confirm > 50) %>%
  dplyr::arrange(desc(confirm)) %>%

The extracted_data object represents the extracted, ideally after specifying queries that reduces its size.


# View the extracted_data


# A tibble: 3 × 4
   year month   day confirm
  <int> <int> <int>   <int>
1  2014     9    16      84
2  2014     9    15      68
3  2014     9    17      56

Run SQL queries in R using dbplyr

Practice how to make relational database SQL queries using multiple dplyr verbs like dplyr::left_join() among tables before pulling down data to your local session with dplyr::collect()!

You can also review the dbplyr R package. But for a step-by-step tutorial about SQL, we recommend you this tutorial about data management with SQL for Ecologist. You will find close to dplyr!

5. Close the database connection

Finally, we can close the database connection with dbDisconnect().


# Close the database connection
DBI::dbDisconnect(conn = db_connection)

Reading from HIS APIs

Health related data are also increasingly stored in specialized HIS APIs like Fingertips, GoData, REDCap, and DHIS2. In such case one can resort to readepi package, which enables reading data from HIS-APIs.

Key Points

  • Use {rio}, {io}, {readr} and {ImportExport} to read data from individual files.
  • Use {readepi} to read data form HIS APIs and RDBMS.

Content from Clean case data

Last updated on 2025-02-11 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 30 minutes



  • How to clean and standardize case data?


  • Explain how to clean, curate, and standardize case data using cleanepi package
  • Perform essential data-cleaning operations to be performed in a raw case dataset.


This episode requires you to:


In the process of analyzing outbreak data, it’s essential to ensure that the dataset is clean, curated, standardized, and valid to facilitate accurate and reproducible analysis. This episode focuses on cleaning epidemics and outbreaks data using the cleanepi package, For demonstration purposes, we’ll work with a simulated dataset of Ebola cases.

Let’s start by loading the package rio to read data and the package cleanepi to clean it. We’ll use the pipe %>% to connect some of their functions, including others from the package dplyr, so let’s also call to the tidyverse package:


# Load packages
library(tidyverse) # for {dplyr} functions and the pipe %>%
library(rio) # for importing data
library(here) # for easy file referencing

The double-colon

The double-colon :: in R let you call a specific function from a package without loading the entire package into the current environment.

For example, dplyr::filter(data, condition) uses filter() from the dplyr package.

This help us remember package functions and avoid namespace conflicts.

The first step is to import the dataset into working environment, which can be done by following the guidelines outlined in the Read case data episode. This involves loading the dataset into R environment and view its structure and content.


# Read data
# e.g.: if path to file is data/simulated_ebola_2.csv then:
raw_ebola_data <- rio::import(
  here::here("data", "simulated_ebola_2.csv")
) %>%
  dplyr::as_tibble() # for a simple data frame output


# Print data frame


# A tibble: 15,003 × 9
      V1 `case id` age     gender status `date onset` `date sample` lab   region
   <int>     <int> <chr>   <chr>  <chr>  <chr>        <chr>         <lgl> <chr>
 1     1     14905 90      1      "conf… 03/15/2015   06/04/2015    NA    valdr…
 2     2     13043 twenty… 2      ""     Sep /11/13   03/01/2014    NA    valdr…
 3     3     14364 54      f       <NA>  09/02/2014   03/03/2015    NA    valdr…
 4     4     14675 ninety  <NA>   ""     10/19/2014   31/ 12 /14    NA    valdr…
 5     5     12648 74      F      ""     08/06/2014   10/10/2016    NA    valdr…
 6     5     12648 74      F      ""     08/06/2014   10/10/2016    NA    valdr…
 7     6     14274 sevent… female ""     Apr /05/15   01/23/2016    NA    valdr…
 8     7     14132 sixteen male   "conf… Dec /29/Y    05/10/2015    NA    valdr…
 9     8     14715 44      f      "conf… Apr /06/Y    04/24/2016    NA    valdr…
10     9     13435 26      1      ""     09/07/2014   20/ 09 /14    NA    valdr…
# ℹ 14,993 more rows


Let’s diagnose the data frame. List all the characteristics in the data frame above that are problematic for data analysis.

Are any of those characteristics familiar with any previous data analysis you performed?

Mediate a short discussion to relate the diagnosed characteristic with required cleaning operations.

You can use these terms to diagnose characteristics:

  • Codification, like sex and age entries using numbers, letters, and words. Also dates in different arrangement (“dd/mm/yyyy” or “yyyy/mm/dd”) and formats. Less visible, but also the column names.
  • Missing, how to interpret an entry like “” in status or “-99” in another column? do we have a data dictionary from the data collection process?
  • Inconsistencies, like having a date of sample before the date of onset.
  • Non-plausible values, like outlier observations with dates outside of an expected timeframe.
  • Duplicates, are all observations unique?

You can use these terms to relate to cleaning operations:

  • Standardize column name
  • Standardize categorical variables like sex/gender
  • Standardize date columns
  • Convert from character to numeric values
  • Check the sequence of dated events

A quick inspection

Quick exploration and inspection of the dataset are crucial before diving into any analysis tasks. The cleanepi package simplifies this process with the scan_data() function. Let’s take a look at how you can use it:




  Field_names missing numeric   date character logical
1         age  0.0646  0.8348 0.0000    0.1006       0
2      gender  0.1578  0.0472 0.0000    0.7950       0
3      status  0.0535  0.0000 0.0000    0.9465       0
4  date onset  0.0001  0.0000 0.9159    0.0840       0
5 date sample  0.0001  0.0000 0.9999    0.0000       0
6      region  0.0000  0.0000 0.0000    1.0000       0

The results provide an overview of the content of every column, including column names, and the percent of some data types per column. You can see that the column names in the dataset are descriptive but lack consistency, as some they are composed of multiple words separated by white spaces. Additionally, some columns contain more than one data type, and there are missing values in others.

Common operations

This section demonstrate how to perform some common data cleaning operations using the cleanepi package.

Standardizing column names

For this example dataset, standardizing column names typically involves removing spaces and connecting different words with “_”. This practice helps maintain consistency and readability in the dataset. However, the function used for standardizing column names offers more options. Type ?cleanepi::standardize_column_names for more details.


sim_ebola_data <- cleanepi::standardize_column_names(raw_ebola_data)


[1] "v1"          "case_id"     "age"         "gender"      "status"
[6] "date_onset"  "date_sample" "lab"         "region"     

If you want to maintain certain column names without subjecting them to the standardization process, you can utilize the keep argument of the function cleanepi::standardize_column_names(). This argument accepts a vector of column names that are intended to be kept unchanged.


  • What differences you can observe in the column names?

  • Standardize the column names of the input dataset, but keep the first column names as it is.

You can try cleanepi::standardize_column_names(data = raw_ebola_data, keep = "V1")

Removing irregularities

Raw data may contain irregularities such as duplicated rows, empty rows and columns, or constant columns (where all entries have the same value.) Functions from cleanepi like remove_duplicates() and remove_constants() remove such irregularities as demonstrated in the below code chunk.


# Remove constants
sim_ebola_data <- cleanepi::remove_constants(sim_ebola_data)

Now, print the output to identify what constant column you removed!


# Remove duplicates
sim_ebola_data <- cleanepi::remove_duplicates(sim_ebola_data)


Found 5 duplicated rows in the dataset. Please consult the report for more details.

You can get the number and location of the duplicated rows that where found. Run cleanepi::print_report(), wait for the report to open in your browser, and find the “Duplicates” tab.


# Print a report


In the following data frame:


# A tibble: 6 × 5
   col1  col2 col3  col4  col5
  <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <date>
1     1     1 a     b     NA
2     2     3 a     b     NA
3    NA    NA a     <NA>  NA
4    NA    NA a     <NA>  NA
5    NA    NA a     <NA>  NA
6    NA    NA <NA>  <NA>  NA    

What columns or rows are:

  • duplicates?
  • empty?
  • constant?

Duplicates mostly refers to replicated rows. Empty rows or columns can be a subset within the set of constant rows or columns.

  • duplicated rows: 3, 4, 5
  • empty rows: 6
  • empty cols: 5
  • constant rows: 6
  • constant cols: 5

Notice to learners that the user can create new constant columns or rows after removing some initial ones.


df %>%


Constant data was removed after 2 iterations. See the report for more details.


# A tibble: 2 × 2
   col1  col2
  <dbl> <dbl>
1     1     1
2     2     3


df %>%
  cleanepi::remove_constants() %>%


Constant data was removed after 2 iterations. See the report for more details.


# A tibble: 2 × 2
   col1  col2
  <dbl> <dbl>
1     1     1
2     2     3

Replacing missing values

In addition to the regularities, raw data can contain missing values that may be encoded by different strings, including the empty. To ensure robust analysis, it is a good practice to replace all missing values by NA in the entire dataset. Below is a code snippet demonstrating how you can achieve this in cleanepi:


sim_ebola_data <- cleanepi::replace_missing_values(
  data = sim_ebola_data,
  na_strings = ""



# A tibble: 15,000 × 8
      v1 case_id age         gender status    date_onset date_sample row_id
   <int>   <int> <chr>       <chr>  <chr>     <chr>      <chr>        <int>
 1     1   14905 90          1      confirmed 03/15/2015 06/04/2015       1
 2     2   13043 twenty-five 2      <NA>      Sep /11/13 03/01/2014       2
 3     3   14364 54          f      <NA>      09/02/2014 03/03/2015       3
 4     4   14675 ninety      <NA>   <NA>      10/19/2014 31/ 12 /14       4
 5     5   12648 74          F      <NA>      08/06/2014 10/10/2016       5
 6     6   14274 seventy-six female <NA>      Apr /05/15 01/23/2016       7
 7     7   14132 sixteen     male   confirmed Dec /29/Y  05/10/2015       8
 8     8   14715 44          f      confirmed Apr /06/Y  04/24/2016       9
 9     9   13435 26          1      <NA>      09/07/2014 20/ 09 /14      10
10    10   14816 thirty      f      <NA>      06/29/2015 06/02/2015      11
# ℹ 14,990 more rows

Validating subject IDs

Each entry in the dataset represents a subject and should be distinguishable by a specific column formatted in a particular way, such as falling within a specified range, containing certain prefixes and/or suffixes, containing a specific number of characters. The cleanepi package offers the function check_subject_ids() designed precisely for this task as shown in the below code chunk. This function validates whether they are unique and meet the required criteria.


sim_ebola_data <-
    data = sim_ebola_data,
    target_columns = "case_id",
    range = c(0, 15000)


Found 1957 duplicated rows in the subject IDs. Please consult the report for more details.

Note that our simulated dataset does contain duplicated subject IDS.

Let’s print a preliminary report with cleanepi::print_report(sim_ebola_data). Focus on the “Unexpected subject ids” tab to identify what IDs require an extra treatment.

After finishing this tutorial, we invite you to explore the package reference guide of cleanepi to find the function that can fix this situation.

Standardizing dates

Certainly, an epidemic dataset contains date columns for different events, such as the date of infection, date of symptoms onset, etc. These dates can come in different date formats, and it is good practice to standardize them. The cleanepi package provides functionality for converting date columns of epidemic datasets into ISO format, ensuring consistency across the different date columns. Here’s how you can use it on our simulated dataset:


sim_ebola_data <- cleanepi::standardize_dates(
  target_columns = c(



# A tibble: 15,000 × 8
      v1 case_id age         gender status    date_onset date_sample row_id
   <int> <chr>   <chr>       <chr>  <chr>     <date>     <date>       <int>
 1     1 14905   90          1      confirmed 2015-03-15 2015-06-04       1
 2     2 13043   twenty-five 2      <NA>      2013-09-11 2014-03-01       2
 3     3 14364   54          f      <NA>      2014-09-02 2015-03-03       3
 4     4 14675   ninety      <NA>   <NA>      2014-10-19 2031-12-14       4
 5     5 12648   74          F      <NA>      2014-08-06 2016-10-10       5
 6     6 14274   seventy-six female <NA>      2015-04-05 2016-01-23       7
 7     7 14132   sixteen     male   confirmed NA         2015-05-10       8
 8     8 14715   44          f      confirmed NA         2016-04-24       9
 9     9 13435   26          1      <NA>      2014-09-07 2020-09-14      10
10    10 14816   thirty      f      <NA>      2015-06-29 2015-06-02      11
# ℹ 14,990 more rows

This function converts the values in the target columns, or will automatically figure out the date columns within the dataset (if target_columns = NULL) and convert them into the Ymd format.

How is this possible?

We invite you to find the key package that works internally by reading the Details section of the Standardize date variables reference manual!

Converting to numeric values

In the raw dataset, some column can come with mixture of character and numerical values, and you want to convert the character values explicitly into numeric. For example, in our simulated data set, in the age column some entries are written in words. In cleanepi the function convert_to_numeric() does such conversion as illustrated in the below code chunk.


sim_ebola_data <- cleanepi::convert_to_numeric(sim_ebola_data,
  target_columns = "age"



# A tibble: 15,000 × 8
      v1 case_id   age gender status    date_onset date_sample row_id
   <int> <chr>   <dbl> <chr>  <chr>     <date>     <date>       <int>
 1     1 14905      90 1      confirmed 2015-03-15 2015-06-04       1
 2     2 13043      25 2      <NA>      2013-09-11 2014-03-01       2
 3     3 14364      54 f      <NA>      2014-09-02 2015-03-03       3
 4     4 14675      90 <NA>   <NA>      2014-10-19 2031-12-14       4
 5     5 12648      74 F      <NA>      2014-08-06 2016-10-10       5
 6     6 14274      76 female <NA>      2015-04-05 2016-01-23       7
 7     7 14132      16 male   confirmed NA         2015-05-10       8
 8     8 14715      44 f      confirmed NA         2016-04-24       9
 9     9 13435      26 1      <NA>      2014-09-07 2020-09-14      10
10    10 14816      30 f      <NA>      2015-06-29 2015-06-02      11
# ℹ 14,990 more rows

Multiple language support

Thanks to the numberize package, we can convert numbers written as English, French or Spanish words to positive integer values!

In addition to common data cleansing tasks, such as those discussed in the above section, the cleanepi package offers additional functionalities tailored specifically for processing and analyzing outbreak and epidemic data. This section covers some of these specialized tasks.

Checking sequence of dated-events

Ensuring the correct order and sequence of dated events is crucial in epidemiological data analysis, especially when analyzing infectious diseases where the timing of events like symptom onset and sample collection is essential. The cleanepi package provides a helpful function called check_date_sequence() precisely for this purpose.

Here’s an example code chunk demonstrating the usage of the function check_date_sequence() in our simulated Ebola dataset


sim_ebola_data <- cleanepi::check_date_sequence(
  data = sim_ebola_data,
  target_columns = c("date_onset", "date_sample")

This functionality is crucial for ensuring data integrity and accuracy in epidemiological analyses, as it helps identify any inconsistencies or errors in the chronological order of events, allowing you to address them appropriately.

Let’s print another preliminary report with cleanepi::print_report(sim_ebola_data). Focus on the “Incorrect date sequence” tab to identify what IDs had this issue.

Dictionary-based substitution

In the realm of data pre-processing, it’s common to encounter scenarios where certain columns in a dataset, such as the “gender” column in our simulated Ebola dataset, are expected to have specific values or factors. However, it’s also common for unexpected or erroneous values to appear in these columns, which need to be replaced with appropriate values. The cleanepi package offers support for dictionary-based substitution, a method that allows you to replace values in specific columns based on mappings defined in a dictionary. This approach ensures consistency and accuracy in data cleaning.

Moreover, cleanepi provides a built-in dictionary specifically tailored for epidemiological data. The example dictionary below includes mappings for the “gender” column.


test_dict <- base::readRDS(
  system.file("extdata", "test_dict.RDS", package = "cleanepi")
) %>%
  dplyr::as_tibble() # for a simple data frame output



# A tibble: 6 × 4
  options values grp    orders
  <chr>   <chr>  <chr>   <int>
1 1       male   gender      1
2 2       female gender      2
3 M       male   gender      3
4 F       female gender      4
5 m       male   gender      5
6 f       female gender      6

Now, we can use this dictionary to standardize values of the the “gender” column according to predefined categories. Below is an example code chunk demonstrating how to utilize this functionality:


sim_ebola_data <- cleanepi::clean_using_dictionary(
  dictionary = test_dict



# A tibble: 15,000 × 8
      v1 case_id   age gender status    date_onset date_sample row_id
   <int> <chr>   <dbl> <chr>  <chr>     <date>     <date>       <int>
 1     1 14905      90 male   confirmed 2015-03-15 2015-06-04       1
 2     2 13043      25 female <NA>      2013-09-11 2014-03-01       2
 3     3 14364      54 female <NA>      2014-09-02 2015-03-03       3
 4     4 14675      90 <NA>   <NA>      2014-10-19 2031-12-14       4
 5     5 12648      74 female <NA>      2014-08-06 2016-10-10       5
 6     6 14274      76 female <NA>      2015-04-05 2016-01-23       7
 7     7 14132      16 male   confirmed NA         2015-05-10       8
 8     8 14715      44 female confirmed NA         2016-04-24       9
 9     9 13435      26 male   <NA>      2014-09-07 2020-09-14      10
10    10 14816      30 female <NA>      2015-06-29 2015-06-02      11
# ℹ 14,990 more rows

This approach simplifies the data cleaning process, ensuring that categorical data in epidemiological datasets is accurately categorized and ready for further analysis.

Note that, when the column in the dataset contains values that are not in the dictionary, the function cleanepi::clean_using_dictionary() will raise an error.

You can start a custom dictionary with a data frame inside or outside R. You can use the function cleanepi::add_to_dictionary() to include new elements in the dictionary. For example:


new_dictionary <- tibble::tibble(
  options = "0",
  values = "female",
  grp = "sex",
  orders = 1L
) %>%
    option = "1",
    value = "male",
    grp = "sex",
    order = NULL



# A tibble: 2 × 4
  options values grp   orders
  <chr>   <chr>  <chr>  <int>
1 0       female sex        1
2 1       male   sex        2

You can read more details in the section about “Dictionary-based data substituting” in the package “Get started” vignette.

Calculating time span between different date events

In epidemiological data analysis, it is also useful to track and analyze time-dependent events, such as the progression of a disease outbreak (i.e., the time difference between today and the first case reported) or the duration between sample collection and analysis (i.e., the time difference between today and the sample collection). The most common example is to calculate the age of all the subjects given their date of birth (i.e., the time difference between today and the date of birth).

The cleanepi package offers a convenient function for calculating the time elapsed between two dated events at different time scales. For example, the below code snippet utilizes the function cleanepi::timespan() to compute the time elapsed since the date of sample for the case identified until the date this document was generated (2025-02-11).


sim_ebola_data <- cleanepi::timespan(
  target_column = "date_sample",
  end_date = Sys.Date(),
  span_unit = "years",
  span_column_name = "years_since_collection",
  span_remainder_unit = "months"

sim_ebola_data %>%
  dplyr::select(case_id, date_sample, years_since_collection, remainder_months)


# A tibble: 15,000 × 4
   case_id date_sample years_since_collection remainder_months
   <chr>   <date>                       <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 14905   2015-06-04                       9                8
 2 13043   2014-03-01                      10               11
 3 14364   2015-03-03                       9               11
 4 14675   2031-12-14                      -6              -10
 5 12648   2016-10-10                       8                4
 6 14274   2016-01-23                       9                0
 7 14132   2015-05-10                       9                9
 8 14715   2016-04-24                       8                9
 9 13435   2020-09-14                       4                4
10 14816   2015-06-02                       9                8
# ℹ 14,990 more rows

After executing the function cleanepi::timespan(), two new columns named years_since_collection and remainder_months are added to the sim_ebola_data dataset, containing the calculated time elapsed since the date of sample collection for each case, measured in years, and the remaining time measured in months.


Age data is useful in any downstream analysis. You can categorize it to generate stratified estimates.

Read the test_df.RDS data frame within the cleanepi package:


dat <- readRDS(
  file = system.file("extdata", "test_df.RDS", package = "cleanepi")
) %>%

Calculate the age in years of the subjects with date of birth, and the remainder time un months. Clean and standardize the required elements to get this done.

Before calculating the age, you may need to:

  • standardize column names
  • standardize dates columns
  • replace missing as strings to a valid missing entry

In the solution we add date_first_pcr_positive_test given that it will provide the temporal scale for descriptive and statistical downstream analysis of the disease outbreak.


dat_clean <- dat %>%
  # standardize column names and dates
  cleanepi::standardize_column_names() %>%
    target_columns = c("date_of_birth", "date_first_pcr_positive_test")
  ) %>%
  # replace from strings to a valid missing entry
    target_columns = "sex",
    na_strings = "-99"
  ) %>%
  # calculate the age in 'years' and return the remainder in 'months'
    target_column = "date_of_birth",
    end_date = Sys.Date(),
    span_unit = "years",
    span_column_name = "age_in_years",
    span_remainder_unit = "months"

Now, How would you categorize a numerical variable?

The simplest alternative is using Hmisc::cut2(). You can also use dplyr::case_when() however, this requires more lines of code and is more appropriate for custom categorizations. Here we provide one solution using base::cut():


dat_clean %>%
  # select to conveniently view timespan output
  ) %>%
  # categorize the age numerical variable [add as a challenge hint]
    age_category = base::cut(
      x = age_in_years,
      breaks = c(0, 20, 35, 60, Inf), # replace with max value if known
      include.lowest = TRUE,
      right = FALSE


# A tibble: 10 × 6
   study_id   sex date_first_pcr_posit…¹ date_of_birth age_in_years age_category
   <chr>    <int> <date>                 <date>               <dbl> <fct>
 1 PS001P2      1 2020-12-01             1972-06-01              52 [35,60)
 2 PS002P2      1 2021-01-01             1952-02-20              72 [60,Inf]
 3 PS004P2…    NA 2021-02-11             1961-06-15              63 [60,Inf]
 4 PS003P2      1 2021-02-01             1947-11-11              77 [60,Inf]
 5 P0005P2      2 2021-02-16             2000-09-26              24 [20,35)
 6 PS006P2      2 2021-05-02             NA                      NA <NA>
 7 PB500P2      1 2021-02-19             1989-11-03              35 [35,60)
 8 PS008P2      2 2021-09-20             1976-10-05              48 [35,60)
 9 PS010P2      1 2021-02-26             1991-09-23              33 [20,35)
10 PS011P2      2 2021-03-03             1991-02-08              34 [20,35)
# ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​date_first_pcr_positive_test

You can investigate the maximum values of variables using skimr::skim(). Instead of base::cut() you can also use Hmisc::cut2(x = age_in_years,cuts = c(20,35,60)), which gives calculate the maximum value and do not require more arguments.

Multiple operations at once

Performing data cleaning operations individually can be time-consuming and error-prone. The cleanepi package simplifies this process by offering a convenient wrapper function called clean_data(), which allows you to perform multiple operations at once.

The clean_data() function applies a series of predefined data cleaning operations to the input dataset. Here’s an example code chunk illustrating how to use clean_data() on a raw simulated Ebola dataset:

Further more, you can combine multiple data cleaning tasks via the pipe operator in “%>%”, as shown in the below code snippet.


# Perfom the cleaning operations using the pipe (%>%) operator
cleaned_data <- raw_ebola_data %>%
  cleanepi::standardize_column_names() %>%
  cleanepi::remove_constants() %>%
  cleanepi::remove_duplicates() %>%
  cleanepi::replace_missing_values(na_strings = "") %>%
    target_columns = "case_id",
    range = c(1, 15000)
  ) %>%
    target_columns = c("date_onset", "date_sample")
  ) %>%
  cleanepi::convert_to_numeric(target_columns = "age") %>%
    target_columns = c("date_onset", "date_sample")
  ) %>%
  cleanepi::clean_using_dictionary(dictionary = test_dict) %>%
    target_column = "date_sample",
    end_date = Sys.Date(),
    span_unit = "years",
    span_column_name = "years_since_collection",
    span_remainder_unit = "months"

Cleaning report

The cleanepi package generates a comprehensive report detailing the findings and actions of all data cleansing operations conducted during the analysis. This report is presented as a webpage with multiple sections. Each section corresponds to a specific data cleansing operation, and clicking on each section allows you to access the results of that particular operation. This interactive approach enables users to efficiently review and analyze the outcomes of individual cleansing steps within the broader data cleansing process.

You can view the report using the function cleanepi::print_report(cleaned_data).

Data cleaning report

Example of data cleaning report generated by cleanepi

Key Points

  • Use cleanepi package to clean and standardize epidemic and outbreak data
  • Understand how to use cleanepi to perform common data cleansing tasks and epidemiology related operations
  • View the data cleaning report in a browser, consult it and make decisions.

Content from Validate case data

Last updated on 2025-02-11 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 12 minutes



  • How to convert raw dataset into a linelist object?


  • Demonstrate how to covert case data to linelist data
  • Demonstrate how to validate data


This episode requires you to:


In outbreak analysis, once you have completed the initial steps of reading and cleaning the case data, it’s essential to establish an additional foundation layer to ensure the integrity and reliability of subsequent analyses. Specifically, this involves verifying the presence and correct data type of certain columns within your dataset, a process commonly referred to as “tagging.” Additionally. it’s crucial to implement measures to validate that these tagged columns are not inadvertently deleted during further data processing steps.

This episode focuses tagging and validate outbreak data using the linelist package. Let’s start by loading the package rio to read data and the package linelist to create a linelist. We’ll use the pipe %>% to connect some of their functions, including others from the package dplyr, so let’s also call to the tidyverse package:


# Load packages
library(tidyverse) # for {dplyr} functions and the pipe %>%
library(rio) # for importing data
library(here) # for easy file referencing
library(linelist) # for taggin and validating

The double-colon

The double-colon :: in R let you call a specific function from a package without loading the entire package into the current environment.

For example, dplyr::filter(data, condition) uses filter() from the dplyr package.

This help us remember package functions and avoid namespace conflicts.

Import the dataset following the guidelines outlined in the Read case data episode. This involves loading the dataset into the working environment and view its structure and content.


# Read data
# e.g.: if path to file is data/simulated_ebola_2.csv then:
cleaned_data <- rio::import(
  here::here("data", "cleaned_data.csv")
) %>%
  dplyr::as_tibble() # for a simple data frame output


# A tibble: 15,000 × 10
      v1 case_id   age gender status    date_onset date_sample row_id
   <int>   <int> <dbl> <chr>  <chr>     <IDate>    <IDate>      <int>
 1     1   14905    90 male   confirmed 2015-03-15 2015-06-04       1
 2     2   13043    25 female <NA>      2013-09-11 2014-03-01       2
 3     3   14364    54 female <NA>      2014-09-02 2015-03-03       3
 4     4   14675    90 <NA>   <NA>      2014-10-19 2031-12-14       4
 5     5   12648    74 female <NA>      2014-08-06 2016-10-10       5
 6     6   14274    76 female <NA>      2015-04-05 2016-01-23       7
 7     7   14132    16 male   confirmed NA         2015-05-10       8
 8     8   14715    44 female confirmed NA         2016-04-24       9
 9     9   13435    26 male   <NA>      2014-09-07 2020-09-14      10
10    10   14816    30 female <NA>      2015-06-29 2015-06-02      11
# ℹ 14,990 more rows
# ℹ 2 more variables: years_since_collection <int>, remainder_months <int>


An unexpected change

You are in an emergency response situation. You need to generate daily situation reports. You automated your analysis to read data directly from the online server 😁. However, the people in charge of the data collection/administration needed to remove/rename/reformat one variable you found helpful 😞!

How can you detect if the data input is still valid to replicate the analysis code you wrote the day before?

If learners do not have an experience to share, we as instructors can share one.

An scenario like this usually happens when the institution doing the analysis is not the same as the institution collecting the data. The later can make decisions about the data structure that can affect downstream processes, impacting the time or the accuracy of the analysis results.

Creating a linelist and tagging elements

Then we convert the cleaned case data into a linelist object using linelist package, see the below code chunk.


# Create a linelist object from cleaned data
linelist_data <- linelist::make_linelist(
  x = cleaned_data,         # Input data
  id = "case_id",            # Column for unique case identifiers
  date_onset = "date_onset", # Column for date of symptom onset
  gender = "gender"          # Column for gender

# Display the resulting linelist object


// linelist object
# A tibble: 15,000 × 10
      v1 case_id   age gender status    date_onset date_sample row_id
   <int>   <int> <dbl> <chr>  <chr>     <IDate>    <IDate>      <int>
 1     1   14905    90 male   confirmed 2015-03-15 2015-06-04       1
 2     2   13043    25 female <NA>      2013-09-11 2014-03-01       2
 3     3   14364    54 female <NA>      2014-09-02 2015-03-03       3
 4     4   14675    90 <NA>   <NA>      2014-10-19 2031-12-14       4
 5     5   12648    74 female <NA>      2014-08-06 2016-10-10       5
 6     6   14274    76 female <NA>      2015-04-05 2016-01-23       7
 7     7   14132    16 male   confirmed NA         2015-05-10       8
 8     8   14715    44 female confirmed NA         2016-04-24       9
 9     9   13435    26 male   <NA>      2014-09-07 2020-09-14      10
10    10   14816    30 female <NA>      2015-06-29 2015-06-02      11
# ℹ 14,990 more rows
# ℹ 2 more variables: years_since_collection <int>, remainder_months <int>

// tags: id:case_id, date_onset:date_onset, gender:gender 

The linelist package supplies tags for common epidemiological variables and a set of appropriate data types for each. You can view the list of available tags by the variable name and their acceptable data types for each using linelist::tags_types().


Let’s tag more variables. In new datasets, it will be frequent to have variable names different to the available tag names. However, we can associate them based on how variables were defined for data collection.


  • Explore the available tag names in {linelist}.
  • Find what other variables in the cleaned dataset can be associated with any of these available tags.
  • Tag those variables as above using linelist::make_linelist().

Your can get access to the list of available tag names in {linelist} using:


# Get a list of available tags by name and data types

# Get a list of names only


  x = cleaned_data,
  id = "case_id",
  date_onset = "date_onset",
  gender = "gender",
  age = "age", # same name in default list and dataset
  date_reporting = "date_sample" # different names but related

How these additional tags are visible in the output?


To ensure that all tagged variables are standardized and have the correct data types, use the linelist::validate_linelist(), as shown in the example below:




Let’s validate tagged variables. Let’s simulate that in an ongoing outbreak; the next day, your data has a new set of entries (i.e., rows or observations) but one variable change of data type.

For example, let’s make the variable age change of type from a double (<dbl>) variable to character (<chr>).

To simulate it:

  • Change the variable data type,
  • Tag the variable into a linelist, and then
  • Validate it.

Describe how linelist::validate_linelist() reacts when input data has a different variable data type.

We can use dplyr::mutate() to change the variable type before tagging for validation. For example:


cleaned_data %>%
  # simulate a change of data type in one variable
  dplyr::mutate(age = as.character(age)) %>%
  # tag one variable
  linelist::... %>%
  # validate the linelist

Please run the code line by line, focusing only on the parts before the pipe (%>%). After each step, observe the output before moving to the next line.

If the age variable changes from double (<dbl>) to character (<chr>) we get the following:


cleaned_data %>%
  # simulate a change of data type in one variable
  dplyr::mutate(age = as.character(age)) %>%
  # tag one variable
    age = "age"
  ) %>%
  # validate the linelist


Error: Some tags have the wrong class:
  - age: Must inherit from class 'numeric'/'integer', but has class 'character'

Why are we getting an Error message?

Explore other situations to understand this behavior. Let’s try these additional changes to variables:

  • date_onset changes from a <date> variable to character (<chr>),
  • gender changes from a character (<chr>) variable to integer (<int>).

Then tag them into a linelist for validation. Does the Error message propose to us the solution?


# Change 2
# Run this code line by line to identify changes
cleaned_data %>%
  # simulate a change of data type
  dplyr::mutate(date_onset = as.character(date_onset)) %>%
  # tag
    date_onset = "date_onset"
  ) %>%
  # validate


# Change 3
# Run this code line by line to identify changes
cleaned_data %>%
  # simulate a change of data type
  dplyr::mutate(gender = as.factor(gender)) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(gender = as.integer(gender)) %>%
  # tag
    gender = "gender"
  ) %>%
  # validate

We get Error messages because of the mismatch between the predefined tag type (from linelist::tags_types()) and the tagged variable class in the linelist.

The Error message inform us that in order to validate our linelist, we must fix the input variable type to fit the expected tag type. In a data analysis script, we can do this by adding one cleaning step into the pipeline.


What step along the linelist workflow of tagging and validating would response to the absence of a variable?

About losing variables, you can simulate this scenario:


cleaned_data %>%
  # simulate a change of data type in one variable
  select(-age) %>%
  # tag one variable
    age = "age"


Error in base::tryCatch(base::withCallingHandlers({: 1 assertions failed:
 * Variable 'tag': Must be element of set
 * {'v1','case_id','gender','status','date_onset','date_sample','row_id','years_since_collection','remainder_months'},
 * but is 'age'.


Safeguarding is implicitly built into the linelist objects. If you try to drop any of the tagged columns, you will receive an error or warning message, as shown in the example below.


new_df <- linelist_data %>%
  dplyr::select(case_id, gender)


Warning: The following tags have lost their variable:

This Warning message above is the default output option when we lose tags in a linelist object. However, it can be changed to an Error message using linelist::lost_tags_action().


Let’s test the implications of changing the safeguarding configuration from a Warning to an Error message.

  • First, run this code to count the frequency per category within a categorical variable:


linelist_data %>%
  dplyr::select(case_id, gender) %>%
  • Set behavior for lost tags in a linelist to “error” as follows:


# set behavior to "error"
linelist::lost_tags_action(action = "error")
  • Now, re-run the above code segment with dplyr::count().


  • What is the difference in the output between a Warning and an Error?
  • What could be the implications of this change for your daily data analysis pipeline during an outbreak response?

Deciding between Warning or Error message will depend on the level of attention or flexibility you need when losing tags. One will alert you about a change but will continue running the code downstream. The other will stop your analysis pipeline and the rest will not be executed.

A data reading, cleaning and validation script may require a more stable or fixed pipeline. An exploratory data analysis may require a more flexible approach. These two processes can be isolated in different scripts or repositories to adjust the safeguarding according to your needs.

Before you continue, set the configuration back again to the default option of Warning:


# set behavior to the default option: "warning"


Lost tags will now issue a warning.

A linelist object resembles a data frame but offers richer features and functionalities. Packages that are linelist-aware can leverage these features. For example, you can extract a data frame of only the tagged columns using the linelist::tags_df() function, as shown below:




# A tibble: 15,000 × 3
      id date_onset gender
   <int> <IDate>    <chr>
 1 14905 2015-03-15 male
 2 13043 2013-09-11 female
 3 14364 2014-09-02 female
 4 14675 2014-10-19 <NA>
 5 12648 2014-08-06 female
 6 14274 2015-04-05 female
 7 14132 NA         male
 8 14715 NA         female
 9 13435 2014-09-07 male
10 14816 2015-06-29 female
# ℹ 14,990 more rows

This allows, the extraction of use tagged-only columns in downstream analysis, which will be useful for the next episode!

When should I use {linelist}?

Data analysis during an outbreak response or mass-gathering surveillance demands a different set of “data safeguards” if compared to usual research situations. For example, your data will change or be updated over time (e.g. new entries, new variables, renamed variables).

linelist is more appropriate for this type of ongoing or long-lasting analysis. Check the “Get started” vignette section about When you should consider using {linelist}? for more information.

Key Points

  • Use linelist package to tag, validate, and prepare case data for downstream analysis.

Content from Aggregate and visualize

Last updated on 2025-02-11 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 30 minutes



  • How to aggregate case data?
  • How to visualize aggregated data?
  • What is distribution of cases in time, place, gender, age?


  • Simulate synthetic outbreak data
  • Convert linelist data to incidence
  • Create epidemic curves from incidence data


In an analytic pipeline, exploratory data analysis (EDA) is an important step before formal modelling. EDA helps determine relationships between variables and summarize their main characteristics often by means of data visualization.

This episode focuses on EDA of outbreak data using a few essential R packages. A key aspect of EDA in epidemic analysis is identifying the relationship between time and the observed epidemic outcome, such as confirmed cases, hospitalizations, deaths, and recoveries across different locations and demographic factors, including gender, age, and more.

Let’s start by loading the package incidence2 to aggregate linelist data by groups and visualize epicurves. We’ll use simulist to simulate outbreak data, and {tracetheme} for complementary figure formatting. We’ll use the pipe %>% to connect some of their functions, including others from the packages dplyr and ggplot2, so let’s also call to the tidyverse package:


# Load packages
library(incidence2) # For aggregating and visualising
library(simulist) # For simulating linelist data
library(tracetheme) # For formatting figures
library(tidyverse) # For {dplyr} and {ggplot2} functions and the pipe %>%

The double-colon

The double-colon :: in R let you call a specific function from a package without loading the entire package into the current environment.

For example, dplyr::filter(data, condition) uses filter() from the dplyr package. This help us remember package functions and avoid namespace conflicts.

Synthetic outbreak data

To illustrate the process of conducting EDA on outbreak data, we will generate a line list for a hypothetical disease outbreak utilizing the simulist package. simulist generates simulation data for outbreak according to a given configuration. Its minimal configuration can generate a linelist as shown in the below code chunk


# Simulate linelist data for an outbreak with size between 1000 and 1500
set.seed(1) # Set seed for reproducibility
sim_data <- simulist::sim_linelist(outbreak_size = c(1000, 1500)) %>%
  dplyr::as_tibble() # for a simple data frame output


Warning: Number of cases exceeds maximum outbreak size.
Returning data early with 1546 cases and 3059 total contacts (including cases).


# Display the simulated dataset


# A tibble: 1,546 × 12
      id case_name       case_type sex     age date_onset date_admission outcome
   <int> <chr>           <chr>     <chr> <int> <date>     <date>         <chr>
 1     1 Kaylin Alberts  probable  f        70 2023-01-01 2023-01-06     recove…
 2     3 Guirnalda Azuc… probable  f        25 2023-01-11 2023-01-18     died
 3     6 Kevin Lee       suspected m        80 2023-01-18 NA             recove…
 4     8 Ashraf al-Raha… probable  m         8 2023-01-23 2023-02-01     recove…
 5    11 Jacob Miller    probable  m        69 2023-01-30 NA             recove…
 6    14 Rocky Bustillos suspected m        40 2023-01-24 2023-01-29     recove…
 7    15 Jim Soriano     confirmed m        37 2023-01-31 NA             recove…
 8    16 Abdul Wadood e… suspected m        67 2023-01-30 NA             recove…
 9    20 Kristy Neish    probable  f        57 2023-01-27 NA             recove…
10    21 Azeema al-Shab… confirmed f        70 2023-02-09 2023-02-13     died
# ℹ 1,536 more rows
# ℹ 4 more variables: date_outcome <date>, date_first_contact <date>,
#   date_last_contact <date>, ct_value <dbl>

This linelist dataset offers individual-level information about the outbreak.

This is the default configuration of simulist, if you want to know more about its functionalities check the documentation website.

You can also find data sets from real emergencies from the past at the {outbreaks} R package.


Downstream analysis involves working with aggregated data rather than individual cases. This requires grouping linelist data in the form of incidence data. The incidence2 package offers an essential function, called incidence2::incidence(), for grouping case data, usually centered around dated events and/or other factors. The code chunk provided below demonstrates the creation of an <incidence2> class object from the simulated Ebola linelist data based on the date of onset.


# Create an incidence object by aggregating case data based on the date of onset
dialy_incidence <- incidence2::incidence(
  date_index = "date_onset",
  interval = "day" # Aggregate by daily intervals

# View the incidence data


# incidence:  232 x 3
# count vars: date_onset
   date_index count_variable count
   <date>     <chr>          <int>
 1 2023-01-01 date_onset         1
 2 2023-01-11 date_onset         1
 3 2023-01-18 date_onset         1
 4 2023-01-23 date_onset         1
 5 2023-01-24 date_onset         1
 6 2023-01-27 date_onset         2
 7 2023-01-29 date_onset         1
 8 2023-01-30 date_onset         2
 9 2023-01-31 date_onset         2
10 2023-02-01 date_onset         1
# ℹ 222 more rows

Furthermore, with the incidence2 package, you can specify the desired interval and categorize cases by one or more factors. Below is a code snippet demonstrating weekly cases grouped by the date of onset and gender.


# Group incidence data by week, accounting for sex and case type
weekly_incidence <- incidence2::incidence(
  date_index = "date_onset",
  interval = "week", # Aggregate by weekly intervals
  groups = c("sex", "case_type") # Group by sex and case type

# View the incidence data


# incidence:  202 x 5
# count vars: date_onset
# groups:     sex, case_type
   date_index sex   case_type count_variable count
   <isowk>    <chr> <chr>     <chr>          <int>
 1 2022-W52   f     probable  date_onset         1
 2 2023-W02   f     probable  date_onset         1
 3 2023-W03   m     suspected date_onset         1
 4 2023-W04   f     probable  date_onset         1
 5 2023-W04   m     confirmed date_onset         2
 6 2023-W04   m     probable  date_onset         1
 7 2023-W04   m     suspected date_onset         1
 8 2023-W05   f     confirmed date_onset         4
 9 2023-W05   f     probable  date_onset         2
10 2023-W05   f     suspected date_onset         2
# ℹ 192 more rows

Dates Completion

When cases are grouped by different factors, it’s possible that these groups may have different date ranges in the resulting incidence2 object. The incidence2 package provides a function called complete_dates() to ensure that an incidence object has the same range of dates for each group. By default, missing counts will be filled with 0.

This functionality is also available as an argument within incidence2::incidence() adding complete_dates = TRUE.


# Create an incidence object grouped by sex, aggregating daily
dialy_incidence_2 <- incidence2::incidence(
  date_index = "date_onset",
  groups = "sex",
  interval = "day", # Aggregate by daily intervals
  complete_dates = TRUE # Complete missing dates in the incidence object

Challenge 1: Can you do it?

  • Task: Aggregate sim_data linelist based on admission date and case outcome in biweekly intervals, and save the results in an object called biweekly_incidence.


The incidence2 object can be visualized using the plot() function from the base R package. The resulting graph is referred to as an epidemic curve, or epi-curve for short. The following code snippets generate epi-curves for the dialy_incidence and weekly_incidence incidence objects mentioned above.


# Plot daily incidence data
base::plot(dialy_incidence) +
    x = "Time (in days)", # x-axis label
    y = "Dialy cases" # y-axis label
  ) +
  tracetheme::theme_trace() # Apply the custom trace theme


# Plot weekly incidence data
base::plot(weekly_incidence) +
    x = "Time (in weeks)", # x-axis label
    y = "weekly cases" # y-axis label
  ) +
  tracetheme::theme_trace() # Apply the custom trace theme

easy aesthetics

We invite you to skim the incidence2 package “Get started” vignette. Find how you can use arguments within plot() to provide aesthetics to your incidence2 class objects!


base::plot(weekly_incidence, fill = "sex")

Some of them include show_cases = TRUE, angle = 45, and n_breaks = 5. Give them a try!

Challenge 2: Can you do it?

  • Task: Visualize biweekly_incidence object.

Curve of cumulative cases

The cumulative number of cases can be calculated using the cumulate() function from an incidence2 object and visualized, as in the example below.


# Calculate cumulative incidence
cum_df <- incidence2::cumulate(dialy_incidence)

# Plot cumulative incidence data using ggplot2
base::plot(cum_df) +
    x = "Time (in days)", # x-axis label
    y = "weekly cases" # y-axis label
  ) +
  tracetheme::theme_trace() # Apply the custom trace theme

Note that this function preserves grouping, i.e., if the incidence2 object contains groups, it will accumulate the cases accordingly.

Challenge 3: Can you do it?

  • Task: Visulaize the cumulatie cases from biweekly_incidence object.

Peak estimation

One can estimate the peak –the time with the highest number of recorded cases– using the estimate_peak() function from the {incidence2} package. This function employs a bootstrapping method to determine the peak time.


# Estimate the peak of the daily incidence data
peak <- incidence2::estimate_peak(
  n = 100,         # Number of simulations for the peak estimation
  alpha = 0.05,    # Significance level for the confidence interval
  first_only = TRUE, # Return only the first peak found
  progress = FALSE  # Disable progress messages

# Display the estimated peak


# A tibble: 1 × 7
  count_variable observed_peak observed_count bootstrap_peaks lower_ci
  <chr>          <date>                 <int> <list>          <date>
1 date_onset     2023-05-01                22 <df [100 × 1]>  2023-03-26
# ℹ 2 more variables: median <date>, upper_ci <date>

This example demonstrates how to estimate the peak time using the estimate_peak() function at \(95%\) confidence interval and using 100 bootstrap samples.

Challenge 4: Can you do it?

  • Task: Estimate the peak time from biweekly_incidence object.

Visualization with ggplot2

incidence2 produces basic plots for epicurves, but additional work is required to create well-annotated graphs. However, using the ggplot2 package, you can generate more sophisticated and better-annotated epicurves. ggplot2 is a comprehensive package with many functionalities. However, we will focus on three key elements for producing epicurves: histogram plots, scaling date axes and their labels, and general plot theme annotation. The example below demonstrates how to configure these three elements for a simple incidence2 object.


# Define date breaks for the x-axis
breaks <- seq.Date(
  from = min(as.Date(dialy_incidence$date_index, na.rm = TRUE)),
  to = max(as.Date(dialy_incidence$date_index, na.rm = TRUE)),
  by = 20 # every 20 days

# Create the plot
ggplot2::ggplot(data = dialy_incidence) +
    mapping = aes(
      x = as.Date(date_index),
      y = count
    stat = "identity",
    color = "blue", # bar border color
    fill = "lightblue", # bar fill color
    width = 1 # bar width
  ) +
  theme_minimal() + # apply a minimal theme for clean visuals
    plot.title = element_text(face = "bold",
                              hjust = 0.5), # center and bold title
    plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5), # center subtitle
    plot.caption = element_text(face = "italic",
                                hjust = 0), # italicized caption
    axis.title = element_text(face = "bold"), # bold axis titles
    axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 0.5) # rotated x-axis text
  ) +
    x = "Date", # x-axis label
    y = "Number of cases", # y-axis label
    title = "Daily Outbreak Cases", # plot title
    subtitle = "Epidemiological Data for the Outbreak", # plot subtitle
    caption = "Data Source: Simulated Data" # plot caption
  ) +
    breaks = breaks, # set custom breaks on the x-axis
    labels = scales::label_date_short() # shortened date labels


Warning in geom_histogram(mapping = aes(x = as.Date(date_index), y = count), :
Ignoring unknown parameters: `binwidth`, `bins`, and `pad`

Use the group option in the mapping function to visualize an epicurve with different groups. If there is more than one grouping factor, use the facet_wrap() option, as demonstrated in the example below:


# Plot daily incidence by sex with facets
ggplot2::ggplot(data = dialy_incidence_2) +
    mapping = aes(
      x = as.Date(date_index),
      y = count,
      group = sex,
      fill = sex
    stat = "identity"
  ) +
  theme_minimal() + # apply minimal theme
    plot.title = element_text(face = "bold",
                              hjust = 0.5), # bold and center the title
    plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5), # center the subtitle
    plot.caption = element_text(face = "italic", hjust = 0), # italic caption
    axis.title = element_text(face = "bold"), # bold axis labels
    axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45,
                               vjust = 0.5) # rotate x-axis text for readability
  ) +
    x = "Date", # x-axis label
    y = "Number of cases", # y-axis label
    title = "Daily Outbreak Cases by Sex", # plot title
    subtitle = "Incidence of Cases Grouped by Sex", # plot subtitle
    caption = "Data Source: Simulated Data" # caption for additional context
  ) +
  facet_wrap(~sex) + # create separate panels by sex
    breaks = breaks, # set custom date breaks
    labels = scales::label_date_short() # short date format for x-axis labels
  ) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("lightblue",
                               "lightpink")) # custom fill colors for sex


Warning in geom_histogram(mapping = aes(x = as.Date(date_index), y = count, :
Ignoring unknown parameters: `binwidth`, `bins`, and `pad`

Challenge 5: Can you do it?

  • Task: Produce an annotated figure for biweekly_incidence using ggplot2 package.

Key Points

  • Use simulist package to generate synthetic outbreak data
  • Use incidence2 package to aggregate case data based on a date event, and produce epidemic curves.
  • Use ggplot2 package to produce better annotated epicurves.