Comparing public health outcomes of interventions

Last updated on 2025-03-18 | Edit this page



  • How can I quantify the effect of an intervention?


  • Compare intervention scenarios


Learners should familiarise themselves with following concept dependencies before working through this tutorial:

Outbreak response : Intervention types.


In this tutorial we will compare intervention scenarios against each other. To quantify the effect of the intervention we need to compare our intervention scenario to a counter factual (baseline) scenario. The counter factual here is the scenario in which nothing changes, often referred to as the ‘do nothing’ scenario. The counter factual scenario may feature no interventions at all or, if we are investigating the potential impact of an additional intervention in the later stages of an outbreak, there may be existing interventions in place.

We must also decide what our outcome of interest is to make comparisons between intervention and counter factual scenarios. The outcome of interest can be:

  • a model outcome, e.g. number of infections or hospitalisations,
  • a metric such as the epidemic peak time or size,
  • a measure that uses the model outcomes, such as QALY/DALYs.

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to use the {epidemics} package to compare the effect of different interventions on simulated disease trajectories. We will access social contact data with socialmixr. We’ll use dplyr, ggplot2 and the pipe %>% to connect some of their functions, so let’s also call to the tidyverse package:



Visualising the effect of interventions

To compare the baseline scenario against the intervention scenarios, we can make visualisations of our outcome of interest. The outcome of interest may simply be the model output, or it could be an aggregate measure of the model output.

If we wanted to investigate the change in epidemic peak with an intervention applied, we could plot the model trajectories through time:


output_baseline <- model_default(
  population = uk_population,
  transmission_rate = transmission_rate,
  infectiousness_rate = infectiousness_rate,
  recovery_rate = recovery_rate,
  time_end = 300, increment = 1.0

output_school <- model_default(
  # population
  population = uk_population,
  # rate
  transmission_rate = transmission_rate,
  infectiousness_rate = infectiousness_rate,
  recovery_rate = recovery_rate,
  # intervention
  intervention = list(contacts = close_schools),
  # time
  time_end = 300, increment = 1.0

# create intervention_type column for plotting
output_school$intervention_type <- "school closure"
output_baseline$intervention_type <- "baseline"
output <- rbind(output_school, output_baseline)

output %>%
  filter(compartment == "infectious") %>%
  ggplot() +
    x = time,
    y = value,
    color = intervention_type,
    linetype = intervention_type
  ) +
    fun = "sum",
    geom = "line",
    linewidth = 1
  ) +
    labels = scales::comma
  ) +
    xintercept = c(
    linetype = 2
  ) +
  theme_bw() +
    x = "Simulation time (days)",
    y = "Individuals"

If we wanted to quantify the impact of the intervention over the model output through time, we could consider the cumulative number of infectious people in the baseline scenario compared to the intervention scenario:


output %>%
  filter(compartment == "infectious") %>%
  group_by(time, intervention_type) %>%
  summarise(value_total = sum(value)) %>%
  group_by(intervention_type) %>%
  mutate(cum_value = cumsum(value_total)) %>%
  ggplot() +
      x = time,
      y = cum_value,
      color = intervention_type,
      linetype = intervention_type
    linewidth = 1.2
  ) +
    labels = scales::comma
  ) +
    xintercept = c(
    linetype = 2
  ) +
  theme_bw() +
    x = "Simulation time (days)",
    y = "Cumulative number of infectious individuals"


`summarise()` has grouped output by 'time'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.

Vacamole model

The Vacamole model is a deterministic model based on a system of ODEs in Ainslie et al. 2022 to describe the effect of vaccination on COVID-19 dynamics. The model consists of 11 compartments, individuals are classed as one of the following:

  • susceptible, \(S\),
  • partial vaccination (\(V_1\)), fully vaccination (\(V_2\)),
  • exposed, \(E\) and exposed while vaccinated, \(E_V\),
  • infectious, \(I\) and infectious while vaccinated, \(I_V\),
  • hospitalised, \(H\) and hospitalised while vaccinated, \(H_V\),
  • dead, \(D\),
  • recovered, \(R\).

The diagram below describes the flow of individuals through the different compartments.

Running a counterfactual scenario using the Vacamole model

  1. Run the model with the default parameter values for the UK population assuming that :
  • 1 in a million individual are infectious (and not vaccinated) at the start of the simulation
  • The contact matrix for the United Kingdom has age bins:
    • age between 0 and 20 years,
    • age between 20 and 40,
    • 40 years and over.

For scenarios : + baseline : two dose vaccination program. Dose 1 (vaccination rate 0.01) starts from day 30, dose 2 (vaccination rate 0.01) starts from day 60. Both programs run fro 300 days. + intervention :a mask mandate starting from time 60 for 100 days, assuming a reduction in the transmission rate of 0.163

There is no vaccination scheme in place

  1. Using the output, plot the cumulative number of deaths through time

We can run the Vacamole model with default parameter values by just specifying the population object and number of time steps to run the model for:


output <- model_vacamole(
  population = uk_population,
  time_end = 300
  1. Run the model


polymod <- socialmixr::polymod
contact_data <- socialmixr::contact_matrix(
  survey = polymod,
  countries = "United Kingdom",
  age.limits = c(0, 20, 40),
  symmetric = TRUE


Removing participants that have contacts without age information. To change this behaviour, set the '' option


# prepare contact matrix
contact_matrix <- t(contact_data$matrix)

# extract demography vector
demography_vector <- contact_data$demography$population
names(demography_vector) <- rownames(contact_matrix)

# prepare initial conditions
initial_i <- 1e-6

initial_conditions_vacamole <- c(
  S = 1 - initial_i,
  V1 = 0, V2 = 0,
  E = 0, EV = 0,
  I = initial_i, IV = 0,
  H = 0, HV = 0, D = 0, R = 0

initial_conditions_vacamole <- rbind(
rownames(initial_conditions_vacamole) <- rownames(contact_matrix)

# prepare population object
uk_population_vacamole <- population(
  name = "UK",
  contact_matrix = contact_matrix,
  demography_vector = demography_vector,
  initial_conditions = initial_conditions_vacamole

# prepare two vaccination objects
# dose 1 vaccination
dose_1 <- vaccination(
  name = "two-dose vaccination", # name given to first dose
  nu = matrix(0.01, nrow = 3),
  time_begin = matrix(30, nrow = 3),
  time_end = matrix(300, nrow = 3)

# prepare the second dose with a 30 day interval in start date
dose_2 <- vaccination(
  name = "two-dose vaccination", # name given to first dose
  nu = matrix(0.01, nrow = 3),
  time_begin = matrix(30 + 30, nrow = 3),
  time_end = matrix(300, nrow = 3)

# use `c()` to combine the two doses
double_vaccination <- c(dose_1, dose_2)

# run baseline model
output_baseline_vc <- model_vacamole(
  population = uk_population_vacamole,
  vaccination = double_vaccination,
  time_end = 300

# create mask intervention
mask_mandate <- intervention(
  name = "mask mandate",
  type = "rate",
  time_begin = 60,
  time_end = 60 + 100,
  reduction = 0.163

# run intervention model
output_intervention_vc <- model_vacamole(
                                         population = uk_population_vacamole,
                                         vaccination = double_vaccination,
                                         intervention = list(
                                                             transmission_rate =
                                         time_end = 300)
  1. Plot the cumulative number of deaths through time


# create intervention_type column for plotting
output_intervention_vc$intervention_type <- "mask mandate"
output_baseline_vc$intervention_type <- "baseline"
output_vacamole <- rbind(output_intervention_vc, output_baseline_vc)

output_vacamole %>%
  filter(compartment == "dead") %>%
  group_by(time, intervention_type) %>%
  summarise(value_total = sum(value)) %>%
  group_by(intervention_type) %>%
  mutate(cum_value = cumsum(value_total)) %>%
  ggplot() +
      x = time,
      y = cum_value,
      color = intervention_type,
      linetype = intervention_type
    linewidth = 1.2
  ) +
    labels = scales::comma
  ) +
  theme_bw() +
    x = "Simulation time (days)",
    y = "Cumulative number of deaths"


`summarise()` has grouped output by 'time'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.

Calculating outcomes averted

Visualisations are a useful tool to compare intervention scenario model predictions through time. In addition to visualisations, we also want to quantify the impact of interventions. An outcome of interest we can use is the number of infections averted. This measure allows us to quantify the difference between different intervention scenarios.

In {epidemics}, we can use the function outcomes_averted() to calculate the number of infections averted while accounting for uncertainty in key parameter values. We will extend the COVID-19 example in Modelling interventions to account for some uncertainty in the parameter values, specifically in the basic reproduction \(R_0\). We do this as follows:


# time periods
preinfectious_period <- 4.0
infectious_period <- 5.5

# specify the mean and standard deviation of R0
r_estimate_mean <- 2.7
r_estimate_sd <- 0.05

# generate 100 R samples
r_samples <- withr::with_seed(
  seed = 1,
    n = 100, mean = r_estimate_mean, sd = r_estimate_sd

beta <- r_samples / infectious_period

# rates
infectiousness_rate <- 1.0 / preinfectious_period
recovery_rate <- 1.0 / infectious_period

We use these parameter values alongside the population structure and contact matrix used in Modelling interventions to run the model for the baseline scenario:


output_baseline <- model_default(
  population = uk_population,
  transmission_rate = beta,
  infectiousness_rate = infectiousness_rate,
  recovery_rate = recovery_rate,
  time_end = 300, increment = 1.0

Then, we create a list of all the interventions we want to include in our comparison. We define our scenarios as follows:

  • scenario 1 : close schools
  • scenario 2 : mask mandate
  • scenario 3 : close schools and mask mandate.

In R we specify this as:


intervention_scenarios <- list(
  scenario_1 = list(
    contacts = close_schools
  scenario_2 = list(
    transmission_rate = mask_mandate
  scenario_3 = list(
    contacts = close_schools,
    transmission_rate = mask_mandate

We use this list as our input to intervention in model_default


output <- model_default(
  transmission_rate = beta,
  infectiousness_rate = infectiousness_rate,
  recovery_rate = recovery_rate,
  time_end = 300, increment = 1.0,
  intervention = intervention_scenarios


   transmission_rate infectiousness_rate recovery_rate time_end param_set
               <num>               <num>         <num>    <num>     <int>
1:         0.4852141                0.25     0.1818182      300         1
2:         0.4852141                0.25     0.1818182      300         1
3:         0.4852141                0.25     0.1818182      300         1
4:         0.4925786                0.25     0.1818182      300         2
5:         0.4925786                0.25     0.1818182      300         2
6:         0.4925786                0.25     0.1818182      300         2
        population intervention vaccination time_dependence increment scenario
            <list>       <list>      <list>          <list>     <num>    <int>
1: <population[4]>    <list[1]>      [NULL]       <list[1]>         1        1
2: <population[4]>    <list[1]>      [NULL]       <list[1]>         1        2
3: <population[4]>    <list[2]>      [NULL]       <list[1]>         1        3
4: <population[4]>    <list[1]>      [NULL]       <list[1]>         1        1
5: <population[4]>    <list[1]>      [NULL]       <list[1]>         1        2
6: <population[4]>    <list[2]>      [NULL]       <list[1]>         1        3
1: <data.table[4515x4]>
2: <data.table[4515x4]>
3: <data.table[4515x4]>
4: <data.table[4515x4]>
5: <data.table[4515x4]>
6: <data.table[4515x4]>

Now that we have our model output for all of our scenarios, we want to compare the outputs of the interventions to our baseline.

We can do this using outcomes_averted() in {epidemics}. This function calculates the final epidemic size for each scenario, and then calculates the number of infections averted in each scenario compared to the baseline. To use this function we specify the :

  • output of the baseline scenario
  • outputs of the intervention scenario(s).


intervention_effect <- outcomes_averted(
  baseline = output_baseline, scenarios = output


   scenario demography_group averted_median averted_lower averted_upper
      <int>           <char>          <num>         <num>         <num>
1:        1              65+       406460.4      384173.6      414531.2
2:        1           [0,15)      2897767.0     2585433.4     3087910.3
3:        1          [15,65)      1290610.3     1260167.1     1293085.1
4:        2              65+       901095.6      882456.9      913201.0
5:        2           [0,15)       517908.2      478559.2      558887.4
6:        2          [15,65)      2414212.2     2260224.7     2567231.2
7:        3              65+      1004856.8      865428.3     1100732.4
8:        3           [0,15)      1977460.8     1496867.6     2418130.3
9:        3          [15,65)      2910649.5     2548675.5     3131795.3

The output gives us the infections averted in each scenario compared to the baseline. To obtain the infections averted overall we specify by_group = FALSE:


intervention_effect <- outcomes_averted(
  baseline = output_baseline, scenarios = output,
  by_group = FALSE


   scenario averted_median averted_lower averted_upper
      <int>          <num>         <num>         <num>
1:        1        4597247       4232474       4778382
2:        2        3833216       3621241       4039320
3:        3        5892967       4910971       6650658

Package vignettes

We recommend to read the vignette on Modelling responses to a stochastic Ebola virus epidemic to use a discrete time, stochastic compartmental model of Ebola used during the 2014 West African EVD outbreak.

Challenge : Ebola outbreak analysis

You have been tasked to investigate the potential impact of an intervention on an Ebola outbreak in Guinea (e.g. a reduction in risky contacts with cases). Using model_ebola() and the the information detailed below, find the number of infections averted when :

  • an intervention is applied to reduce the transmission rate by 50% from day 60 and,
  • an intervention is applied to reduce transmission by 10% from day 30.

For both interventions, we assume there is some uncertainty about the baseline transmission rate. We capture this uncertainty by drawing from a normal distribution with mean = 1.1 / 12 (i.e. \(R_0=1.1\) and infectious period = 12 days) and standard deviation = 0.01.

Note: Depending on the number of replicates used, this simulation may take several minutes to run.

  • Population size : 14 million
  • Initial number of exposed individuals : 10
  • Initial number of infectious individuals : 5
  • Time of simulation : 120 days
  • Parameter values :
    • \(R_0\) (r0) = 1.1,
    • \(p^I\) (infectious_period) = 12,
    • \(p^E\) (preinfectious_period) = 5,
    • \(k^E=k^I = 2\),
    • \(1-p_{hosp}\) (prop_community) = 0.9,
    • \(p_{ETU}\) (etu_risk) = 0.7,
    • \(p_{funeral}\) (funeral_risk) = 0.5


population_size <- 14e6

E0 <- 10
I0 <- 5
# prepare initial conditions as proportions
initial_conditions <- c(
  S = population_size - (E0 + I0), E = E0, I = I0, H = 0, F = 0, R = 0
) / population_size

# set up population object
guinea_population <- population(
  name = "Guinea",
  contact_matrix = matrix(1), # note dummy value
  demography_vector = population_size, # 14 million, no age groups
  initial_conditions = matrix(
    nrow = 1

# generate 100 beta samples
beta <- withr::with_seed(
  seed = 1,
    n = 100, mean = 1.1 / 12, sd = 0.01

# run the baseline
output_baseline <- model_ebola(
  population = guinea_population,
  transmission_rate = beta,
  infectiousness_rate = 2.0 / 5,
  removal_rate = 2.0 / 12,
  prop_community = 0.9,
  etu_risk = 0.7,
  funeral_risk = 0.5,
  time_end = 100,
  replicates = 100 # replicates argument

# create intervention objects
reduce_transmission_1 <- intervention(
  type = "rate",
  time_begin = 60, time_end = 100, reduction = 0.5

reduce_transmission_2 <- intervention(
  type = "rate",
  time_begin = 30, time_end = 100, reduction = 0.1

# create intervention list
intervention_scenarios <- list(
  scenario_1 = list(
    transmission_rate = reduce_transmission_1
  scenario_2 = list(
    transmission_rate = reduce_transmission_2

# run model
output_intervention <- model_ebola(
  population = guinea_population,
  transmission_rate = beta,
  infectiousness_rate = 2.0 / 5,
  removal_rate = 2.0 / 12,
  prop_community = 0.9,
  etu_risk = 0.7,
  funeral_risk = 0.5,
  time_end = 100,
  replicates = 100, # replicates argument,
  intervention = intervention_scenarios


Warning: Running 2 scenarios and 100 parameter sets with 100 replicates each, for a
total of 20000 model runs.


# calculate outcomes averted
intervention_effect <- outcomes_averted(
  baseline = output_baseline, scenarios = output_intervention,
  by_group = FALSE


   scenario averted_median averted_lower averted_upper
      <int>          <num>         <num>         <num>
1:        1             31             1           112
2:        2             20           -22           105

Note: The number of infections averted can be negative. This is due to the stochastic variation in the disease trajectories for a given transmission rate can result in a different size outbreak.

Key Points

  • The counter factual scenario must be defined to make comparisons
  • Scenarios can be compared using visualisations and by calculating outcomes averted