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Check model elements for compatibility with the population in an epidemic model, returning compatible dummy values when model elements are not applied, and erroring appropriately when model elements are not compatible with the population characteristics.


.cross_check_intervention(x, population, allowed_targets)

.cross_check_vaccination(x, population, doses)

.cross_check_timedep(x, allowed_targets)

.cross_check_popchange(x, population)



Model input to be checked. The expected value of x depends on the function:

  • .cross_check_intervention(): A named list of <intervention> objects;

  • .cross_check_vaccination(): A <vaccination> object;

  • .cross_check_timedep(): A named list of functions with two arguments, time and x, typically returning x as a function of time;

  • .cross_check_popchange(): A named list with two elements, time and values, describing the times and values by which the number of susceptibles changes in an epidemic model.


An object of the population class, which holds a population contact matrix, a demography vector, and the initial conditions of each demographic group. See population().


The model components, or infection parameters, that the model input x affects.


The expected number of vaccination doses.


  • .cross_check_intervention() returns a named list with at least the elements "contacts" describing a <contacts_intervention> on population (if this is among the allowed targets), and a <rate_intervention> on the transmission rate parameter. If these are present in x, they are returned as is, or substituted if missing. Any other interventions are also returned. If x is NULL, dummy contact and rate interventions are returned in a list.

  • .cross_check_vaccination() returns x after checking that it is suitable for population, or a dummy vaccination regime with doses number of doses for each age group.

  • .cross_check_timedep() returns x if x is not NULL, otherwise returns a dummy function operating on the transmission rate parameter by default; see .no_time_dependence();

  • .cross_check_popchange() returns x after checks against population if x is not NULL, otherwise returns a dummy list with no population change; see .no_population_change().