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Simulate an epidemic using a discrete-time, stochastic SEIR compartmental model with compartments based on Li et al. (2019), and with Erlang passage times based on a model developed by Getz and Dougherty (2017), developed to model the West African Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak of 2013 -- 2016. See Details for more information.

model_ebola_cpp() is an Rcpp implementation of this model that currently lags behind the R implementation, and is likely to be removed.


  transmission_rate = 1.5/12,
  erlang_subcompartments = 2,
  infectiousness_rate = erlang_subcompartments/5,
  removal_rate = erlang_subcompartments/12,
  prop_community = 0.9,
  etu_risk = 0.7,
  funeral_risk = 0.5,
  intervention = NULL,
  time_dependence = NULL,
  time_end = 100,
  replicates = 100



An object of the <population> class, see population().

This model only accepts a <population> without demographic structure, that is, the demography_vector must be a single number representing the total size of the affected population.

The model also does not account for demographic differences in social contacts, which means that the contact_matrix is ignored. For consistency, the matrix must be square and have as many rows as demography groups, which is one.


A numeric vector for the rate at which individuals move from the susceptible to the exposed compartment upon contact with an infectious individual. Often denoted as \(\beta\), with \(\beta = R_0 / \text{infectious period}\). See Details for default values.


A numeric, integer-like vector for the number of Erlang sub-compartments assumed for the exposed, infectious, and hospitalised compartments. Defaults to 2.


A numeric vector for the rate at which individuals move from the exposed to the infectious compartment. Often denoted as \(\sigma\), with \(\sigma = 1.0 / \text{pre-infectious period}\). This value does not depend upon the number of infectious individuals in the population. See Details for default values.


A numeric vector for the rate at which infectious individuals transition from the infectious or hospitalised compartments to the funeral or removed compartments. This model does not distinguish between recoveries and deaths. Denoted in Getz and Dougherty as \(\gamma^I\) (see Details).


A numeric vector for the proportion of infectious individuals who remain in the community and are not hospitalised for treatment. Defaults to 0.9.


A numeric vector for the relative risk of onward transmission of EVD from hospitalised individuals, with values between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 indicates that hospitalisation completely prevents onward transmission, and 1.0 indicates that hospitalisation does not prevent onward transmission at all; values are relative to the baseline transmission rate \(\beta\). Defaults to 0.7.


A numeric vector for the relative risk of onward transmission of EVD from funerals of individuals who died with EVD. Must be between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 indicates that there is no onward transmission, and 1.0 indicates that funeral transmission is equivalent to the baseline transmission rate in the community \(\beta\). Defaults to 0.5.


An optional named list of <rate_intervention> objects representing optional pharmaceutical or non-pharmaceutical interventions applied to the model parameters listed above. May also be a list of such lists, in which case each set of interventions is treated as a separate scenario. See Details below.


An optional named list where each element is a function with the first two arguments being the current simulation time, and x, a value that is dependent on time (x represents a model parameter). List names must correspond to model parameters modified by the function. Alternatively, may be a list of such lists, in which case each set of functions is treated as a distinct scenario. See Details for more information, as well as the vignette on time- dependence vignette("time_dependence", package = "epidemics").


A numeric, integer-like vector for the maximum number of


A single number for replicates to run. Defaults to 100. timesteps over which to run the model, in days. Defaults to 100 days.


A <data.table>. If the model parameters and composable elements are all scalars, a single <data.table> with the columns "time", "compartment", "age_group", and "value", giving the number of individuals per demographic group in each compartment at each timestep in long (or "tidy") format is returned.

If the model parameters or composable elements are lists or list-like, a nested <data.table> is returned with a list column "data", which holds the compartmental values described above. Other columns hold parameters and composable elements relating to the model run. Columns "scenario" and "param_set" identify combinations of composable elements (population, interventions, vaccination regimes), and infection parameters, respectively.

Details: Discrete-time Ebola virus disease model

This model has compartments adopted from the consensus model for Ebola virus disease presented in Li et al. (2019), and with transitions between epidemiological compartments modelled using Erlang sub-compartments adapted from Getz and Dougherty (2018); see References.

The R code for this model is adapted from code by Ha Minh Lam and initially made available on Epirecipes ( under the MIT license.

The shape of the Erlang distributions of passage times through the exposed and infectious compartments (\(k^E\) and \(k^I\)) are recommended to be set to 2 as a sensible choice, which is the default value for the erlang_sbubcompartments argument, but can be allowed to vary (but not independently).

The transition rates between the exposed and infectious, and infectious and funeral compartments (and also hospitalised to removed), \(\gamma^E\) and \(\gamma^I\) in Getz and Dougherty's notation, are passed by the user as the infectiousness_rate and removal_rate respectively.

Getz and Dougherty's equation (6) gives the relationship between these parameters and the mean pre-infectious \(\rho^E\) and infectious \(\rho^I\) periods. $$\gamma^E = \dfrac{k^E}{\rho^E} = \dfrac{2}{\rho^E} ~\text{and}~ \gamma^I = \dfrac{k^I}{\rho^I} = \dfrac{2}{\rho^I}$$

In this discrete time model, \(\gamma^E\) and \(\gamma^I\) are used to determine the passage times of newly exposed or infectious individuals through their respective compartments (thus allowing for variation in passage times).

Hospitalisation, funerals, and removal

A proportion, 1.0 - prop_community, of infectious individuals are transferred to the hospitalised compartment in each timestep, This compartment represents Ebola Treatment Units (ETUs), and individuals in the hospitalised compartment are considered to be infectious but no longer in the community.

The passage time of individuals in the hospitalised compartment is similar to that of individuals in the infectious compartment (i.e., infectious in the community), which means that an infectious individual with \(N\) timesteps before exiting the infectious compartment will exit the hospitalised compartment in the same time.

Hospitalised individuals can contribute to transmission of Ebola to susceptibles depending on the value of etu_risk which scales the baseline transmission rate \(\beta\) for hospitalised individuals.

We assume that deaths in hospital lead to Ebola-safe funerals, and individuals exiting the hospitalised compartment move to the 'removed' compartment, which holds both recoveries and deaths.

We assume that deaths outside of hospital lead to funerals that are potentially unsafe burials, and the funeral_risk argument scales the baseline transmission rate \(\beta\) for funeral transmission of Ebola to susceptibles.

Individuals are assumed to spend only a single timestep in the funeral transmission compartment, before they move into the 'removed' compartment.

Individuals in the 'removed' compartment do no affect model dynamics.

Model parameters

The default values are:

  • Transmission rate (\(\beta\), transmission_rate): 0.125, resulting from an \(R_0\) = 1.5 and an infectious period of 12 days.

  • Infectiousness rate (\(\gamma^E\), infectiousness_rate): 0.4, assuming a pre-infectious period of 5 days and two Erlang subcompartments.

  • Removal rate (\(\gamma^I\), recovery_rate): 0.1667, assuming an infectious period of 12 days and two Erlang subcompartments.

Implementing vaccination

Vaccination cannot currently be implemented in this model as it does not have a "vaccinated" epidemiological compartment. This prevents the use of a <vaccination> object.

Instead, users can use the time_dependence argument to pass a function that modifies model parameters --- specifically, the transmission rate --- in a way that is consistent with the effect of vaccination. An example is shown in the vignette about this model; run this code to open the vignette: vignette("ebola_model", package = "epidemics")

Vector inputs

Vector parameter inputs

The model infection parameters and the model duration may be passed as numeric or integer-like vectors (as appropriate to the parameter), to simulate the effect of parameter uncertainty. All parameter vectors must be of the same length, or any one parameter vector may have a length > 1 while all other have a length of 1. In the first case, each i-th combination of parameters is treated as a parameter set. In the second case, all single value parameters (scalars) are recycled to the same length as the non-scalar parameter.

The model is run for $N$ stochastic realisations of each parameter set. Random number seeds are preserved across parameter sets, so that differences in outcomes in each j-th run are due to differences in parameters alone.

Vector inputs for composable elements

The intervention and time_dependence arguments also accept vectorised inputs in the form of lists of intervention and time dependence sets. Each combination of intervention and time-dependence sets is treated as a distinct 'scenario', and realisations of each parameter set are run for each scenario.


Li, S.-L., Ferrari, M. J., Bjørnstad, O. N., Runge, M. C., Fonnesbeck, C. J., Tildesley, M. J., Pannell, D., & Shea, K. (2019). Concurrent assessment of epidemiological and operational uncertainties for optimal outbreak control: Ebola as a case study. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 286(1905), 20190774. doi:10.1098/rspb.2019.0774

Getz, W. M., & Dougherty, E. R. (2018). Discrete stochastic analogs of Erlang epidemic models. Journal of Biological Dynamics, 12(1), 16–38. doi:10.1080/17513758.2017.1401677


# create a population with 6 compartments
population <- population(
  contact_matrix = matrix(1),
  demography_vector = 14e6,
  initial_conditions = matrix(
    c(0.999998, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0, 0, 0),
    nrow = 1, ncol = 6L

# run epidemic simulation with no vaccination or intervention
data <- model_ebola(
  population = population

# view some data
#>     time demography_group  compartment    value replicate
#>    <int>           <char>       <char>    <num>     <int>
#> 1:     0     demo_group_1  susceptible 13999972         1
#> 2:     0     demo_group_1      exposed       14         1
#> 3:     0     demo_group_1   infectious       14         1
#> 4:     0     demo_group_1 hospitalised        0         1
#> 5:     0     demo_group_1      funeral        0         1
#> 6:     0     demo_group_1      removed        0         1